If you are doing work from home, then definitely include these three economical and tasty food in your diet.

For a lot of people who are working from home amid the pandemic, it must have been difficult to control the urge to eat. You may also have faced sudden hunger and the urge to keep chewing on things. With constant work pressure at work from home, it is not surprising that one adopts unhealthy food habits. Eating unhealthy or junk food will not satisfy your appetite and instead, it will lead to weight gain and other digestive problems. And let’s not forget that the work you put into buying these junk.

Well, celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar recommends three important foods that people, who are working from home, must eat to keep their diet under control.

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There are three foods that nutritionists believe are not only delicious but also easily accessible and affordable:

Fresh Fruits:

Working from home or not, adding fresh fruits to your morning diet has a lot of health benefits. Seasonal fresh fruits provide you with ample amounts of prebiotics, fiber and antioxidants. In a video uploaded on his Instagram handle, Diwekar had advised to eat chikoo.

Some nuts:

Diwekar advised people to include a handful of nuts in the diet to take care of bone-mineral density. She said that eating chana (roasted gram) can have many health benefits and sugar cravings can also be quenched by adding a little jaggery to a bowl of chana.


Explaining how people have lost track of including ghee in their diet, the nutritionist suggested that everyone should have a spoonful of ghee in their breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ghee contains short-chain fatty acids, which help in proper digestion, and bring back satiety signals. From work from home, meetings to completing projects, you have to be glued to the computer screen for hours. Ghee, which is loaded with essential fats, also helps in reducing eye strain.

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