If the copy and paste feature isn’t working on your Mac, here’s how to fix it

When working on a desktop or laptop, there is some important functionality that you use frequently. Using copy and paste functionality is one of them. But if you have an Apple Mac and suddenly the copy and paste feature stops working or the clipboard gets stuck, work may be more stuck than you imagined. However, fairly simple troubleshooting steps can help you fix the temporary problem. It is important to note that these steps work on all versions of macOS and the attempt is to reset the clipboard and force launch it again. This resolves all possible instances of stuck clipboard or other issues – including copy and paste functions stopped working.

Here’s how you can use the clipboard to relaunch itself in Mac OS via Activity Monitor:

Step 1: Quit Mac App Where Copy/Paste Feature Not Working

Step 2: Open the “Activity Monitor” application. You will be able to find it in the Applications/Utilities/ folder. Or you can simply press Command+Spacebar and type Activity Monitor to launch it via Spotlight.

Step 3: In the search box of Activity Monitor, simply type “pboard”.

Step 4: Click on the ‘pboard’ process and then press (X) in the Activity Monitor toolbar. Further, click on the “Force Quit” button.

Step 5: Quit Activity Monitor. Now, open the app where copy and paste feature was not working. Try using the command again and it will most likely work.

But if the command is still not working, there is another way to revive it. Try using the edit menu approach of manually selecting copy and paste. If the described approach works, it is suggested that something is wrong with the keyboard, rather than the clipboard. Sometimes, it can mean that another app is conflicting with standard keyboard shortcuts or that mouse keys are enabled. If the copy and paste feature is still not working, you can restart the Mac by going to the Apple menu and selecting the Restart button.

You can also use terminal to solve the problem, here are the steps for this –

Step 1: Open the Terminal application, which is found in Applications/Utilities.

Step 2: Type the following command line –killall pboard.

Step 3: Press on Return.

This step will terminate and relaunch the pboard process, which is basically the clipboard daemon for Mac OS. But again if the feature doesn’t work, you can reboot the system.

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