IDF said to hit sites belonging to Hezbollah in southern Syria, then drop flyers

Israel Defense Forces dropped threatening leaflets in southern Syria on Wednesday, warning Syrian troops to stop cooperating with Hezbollah, an opposition journalist reported, amid alleged artillery shelling by Israel on sites belonging to the Iran-backed group. hours after the attack.

The leaflets, which were written in Arabic and addressed to Syrian Army soldiers, matched the style of similar leaflets dropped in Syria in the past. The IDF declined to comment on the matter.

In the pamphlet, the Israeli military appeared to claim responsibility for the overnight attacks. As part of its general policy of ambiguity regarding its efforts against Hezbollah in the country, the IDF generally does not publicly acknowledge attacks in Syria.

“Time after time, the Syrian army continues to pay the price as a result of Hezbollah’s infiltration of its military bases. The continuation of intelligence cooperation with Hezbollah in the region and at the location of Tel Quadana will continue to haunt you. You are responsible for your actions, and Hezbollah is responsible for your suffering,” the flyer read.

In another incident on Tuesday night, the IDF said a small military drone crashed in Syrian territory during “routine activity”.

According to the Army, the drone of the Skylark model was on a reconnaissance mission when it fell from the sky due to a technical glitch.

The IDF stated that there was no fear of information leaking from the device.

An IDF soldier with a Skylark drone during a drill at the Tzelim Army Base on August 5, 2013. (Miriam Elster/Flash90)

It was not clear whether the drone crash was related to the attacks late Tuesday, which targeted Hezbollah sites in and around the village of Kudana, according to an opposition-affiliated journalist in Syria. There was no comment by Syria’s official SANA news agency or other regime-affiliated outlets.

The IDF has repeatedly accused Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s forces of actively aiding Hezbollah and warned it against it, both through travelers being dropped off at the border and through public appeals, in some cases Syrian and Hezbollah officers have been included, including officers from the Syrian 90th. Brigade and 1st Division.

While Israel’s military does not comment on specific strikes in Syria as a rule, it has acknowledged conducting hundreds of sorties over the past decade against Iran-backed groups trying to gain a foothold in the country.

The IDF says it also attacks weapons shipments bound for groups that Lebanon’s Hezbollah heads. Additionally, airstrikes by Israel have repeatedly targeted Syrian air defense systems.

Example: IDF tank soldiers from the 53rd Battalion of the 188th Tank Brigade are seen on May 23, 2022 at an outpost of Syrian villages near the Israeli border in the southern Golan Heights. (Michael Gilady/Flash90)

Israel has recently stepped up its activities in Syria, and earlier this month, Defense Minister Yoav Galant warned Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah that Israel would withdraw from the country or Israel after a man was seriously wounded in Megiddo. will not tolerate any attempt to harm its citizens. An Iran-backed organization has been accused of the bombing.

Israel has been accused of several attacks in Syria this month, including one that killed two members Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps of Iran.

after that strike, a suspect Iranian drone launched from Syria was brought over Israeli airspace.

several days later, six rockets The army said two separate barrages were launched from southern Syria on the Golan Heights hours apart with three landing on Israeli territory. In response to the rocket attack, the IDF responded with artillery attacks.

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