IDF publishes names of three soldiers who fell in battle in Gaza

The IDF published Thursday the names of three soldiers who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

Sgt.-First Class (res.) Asaf Pinhas Tubul, 22, from Kiryat Motzkin, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip and served in the 77th Armored Battalion of the 7th Brigade. An officer and a soldier were seriously wounded in battle alongside Tubul as well.

Cpt. (res.) Neriya Zisk, 24, from Masu’ot Itzhak, fell in battle in the central Gaza Strip and served as a company commander in the 52nd Battalion of the 401st Brigade.

Maj. Dvir David Fima, 32, from Kfar Yona, fell in battle in the central Gaza Strip and served as a deputy commander of the 198th Battalion in the 460th Brigade. A soldier was seriously wounded in battle alongside Fima.

People gather and light candles to remember the Israeli victims of the October 7 massacre at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, October 12, 2023. (credit: Dor Pazuelo/Flash90)

Since the war between Israel and Hamas began, 501 IDF soldiers have fallen in battle.