Hyderabad: Techie-Youtuber jumps to loss of life as viewership dips | Hyderabad Information – Instances of India

HYDERABAD: A 23-year-old engineering student-cum-Youtuber allegedly dedicated suicide by leaping from the terrace of an residence advanced at Saidabad within the wee hours of Thursday. Lack of patronage for his channel is reportedly one of many causes for his excessive step.
Saidabad inspector Subba Rami Reddy stated C Dheena, a fourth-year engineering scholar of Indian Institute of Data Expertise and Administration (IIITM)-Gwalior, jumped from the highest of their residence advanced (a G+3 constructing) round 5.30am. The residence watchman heard a loud thud and rushed to the spot, the place Dheena was present in a pool of blood. He died on the spot.

Techie-Youtuber jumps to death as viewership dips

Dheena had been working a Youtube channel, SELFLO, importing content material associated to gaming. When the incident befell, his mother and father had been asleep. “Each his mother and father are working. Round 8.30 pm on Wednesday, his mom returned house after workplace and located him sleeping in his room. She didn’t need to disturb him and later his mother and father slept too,” Saidabad sub-inspector L Ravi Kumar instructed TOI. His father is a railway worker.
Police discovered that Dheena, who was attending courses on-line from house, had written about his life and defined his disappointment, on two points. “Lack of viewership of his Youtube channel and no correct steering for his profession as disappointments,” the inspector stated.
Police registered a case below Part 174 (suspicious loss of life) of the Prison Process Code (CrPC).