Hyderabad gang rape case: BJP MLA shares photo of rape victim and minor accused, Congress flares up

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  • Hyderabad Mercedes Gang Rape Case; Ruckus in BJP Congress over revealing identity of victim and minor

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A new twist has come in the Hyderabad gang rape case. Some photos related to the incident have gone viral, in which the son of AIMIM MLA is also seen at the spot. BJP MLA Raghunandan Rao has released the photo and said that the MLA’s son is involved in this case.

On this, Congress MP Manickam Tagore has fiercely targeted the BJP MLA. Tagore has also criticized for sharing photos of rape victims and minor accused.

BJP MLA’s allegation – Police hastened
BJP MLA Rao has said that the police hastily given a clean chit to a minor accused, who is the son of an AIMIM MLA. He further said that he has a video as evidence, which shows that the MLA’s son is involved in the whole matter. Rao said the minor had been given a clean chit, so he was forced to release the evidence.

BJP MLA asked- why the case was not registered under POCSO
BJP MLA Raghunandan Rao has also questioned the role of the police in this whole matter. He said that the police should tell whether what is being seen is the son of the MLA or not? He said that when the police themselves have admitted that the minor girl was raped in the Mercedes, then why were the occupants of the car not booked under the POCSO Act? Why has the MLA’s son been abandoned?

Congress MP targets BJP
Congress MP Manickam Tagore has raised questions on the BJP MLA in this whole matter. He said that Raghunandan Rao has compromised the safety of the rape victim and the minor accused by sharing their photos. Is it because of unholy alliance between TRS, BJP and MIM? Is their bond more important than justice for a minor girl?

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