Husband became crazy after the poll opened: wife was stabbed 23 times, Ejaz was angry with the divorce petition

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  • Karnataka Gadag Case| Husband stabs wife 23 times before divorce hearing

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In Gadag, Karnataka, a case has come to the fore of husband’s cruelty. A few days before the hearing of the divorce petition here, a husband attacked his wife 23 times with a knife. The wife filed for divorce when it came to light that the husband was already married. Angered by this, the husband took this step. The seriously injured woman is being treated at the hospital. At the same time, the police has arrested the accused husband.

Love marriage was done in 2018
The victim has been identified as Apoorva Puranik, who was pursuing her MBA in Hubli. During this he fell in love with the auto rickshaw driver Ejaz. After this, both of them got married against the wishes of the family in 2018. After marriage, Ejaz changed the name of Apoorva to Arfa Bano. They also have a son who is two years old.

husband was already married
6 months ago Apoorva came to know that Ejaz is already married. A quarrel started between the two regarding this matter. After which Apoorva filed a petition for divorce. This was soon to be heard in the court. But before the hearing, Ejaz attacked the victim.

police are investigating
At present, the police has arrested husband Ejaz and is investigating the matter. On the other hand, the matter is now gaining momentum. Some people are also linking it with love jihad. On this, many organizations have demanded hearing of the case under love jihad itself.

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