The National Human Rights Commission had submitted a strong report on the post-poll violence in Bengal. This time in the light of that report, the state government filed a counter-affidavit in the Calcutta High Court. The affidavit contains explosive allegations. It has been alleged in the affidavit that the members of the Human Rights Commission are close to the BJP. Even the question has been raised that how can this report be neutral? The leaders of the state have been leveling this allegation for some time now. Questions were being raised on the fairness of this report on social media.
State Home Secretary BP Gopalika filed an affidavit in the Calcutta High Court. What exactly is in the affidavit? The state has alleged that there is a political motive behind the report of the National Human Rights Commission. This negative report has been given deliberately. Even some members of the committee are close to the BJP. They are under the influence of the central government. Therefore, a fair investigation cannot be expected from him. Several members of the committee have taken the name of BJP as evidence. Rajiv Jain’s name has been taken here. Rajiv is said to have worked as the Director of the Intelligence Bureau during the BJP government. When Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, he was the head of the Intelligence Bureau in Ahmedabad. Atif Rashid was in charge of the Twitter handle of the BJP. He fought for the BJP in the Delhi elections.
All this information has been thrown away. Regarding Rajulben Desai, the affidavit states that in 2016 he was in charge of the ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ project in Gujarat. Therefore, it has been alleged by the state that the reporting is completely wrong with political motive. This 3427-page report is based on estimates. It is also claimed that there is no evidence. Many political leaders have been called criminals. But there is no proof.
The state government said in an affidavit that the committee was only asked to look into the matter. As such, the committee cannot make any recommendations. Here the committee has recommended a CBI inquiry. which is outside the jurisdiction. The committee’s report alleged that the state’s infrastructure was responsible for the post-poll unrest. In retaliation in the report, an attempt has been made to defame the police and the administration. After the declaration of the result, the police administration has taken all possible steps.