Huge hike in petroleum prices could increase inflation by up to 30%: Imran Khan – The Henry Club

PTI President Imran Khan addressing lawyers at IHC Bar. Photo: Screengrab

ISLAMABAD: Taking a dig at the coalition government, PTI chairman Imran Khan said on Thursday that a steep hike in the prices of petroleum products would increase inflation by 30 per cent and have a bad effect on the poor.

Addressing lawyers in Islamabad, Imran Khan said that no prime minister can dare to make an independent foreign policy if the country does not take a stand on his expulsion through conspiracy.

Imran Khan said the more you bow before the US, the more they will demand to “do more”.

“If you take a stand for your national interests, they will respect you,” the PTI president said. They said they would look down on you if you polish their shoes.

Reiterating the incidents related to his expulsion from the PM’s office, Imran Khan said that the US Secretary of State for South Asia met the Pakistani ambassador in Washington on 7 March and asked why Imran Khan went to Russia and was aware of his country’s anger. Did it during the tour.

He threatened that Pakistan would face a big problem if Imran Khan was not removed through a no-confidence motion.

Imran Khan quoted American officials as saying, ‘If Pakistan is removed, it will be forgiven.

And then, our allies suddenly realized that this was the worst government ever and opposition leaders started visiting the US embassy, ​​Imran Khan said.

“Our turncoats were also visiting the US Embassy and KP Minister Atif Khan was told that a no-confidence motion could be brought against CM Mahmood Khan.

“The National Security Committee had also accepted foreign interference. Shouldn’t the cipher be checked,” asked Imran Khan.

The PTI chairman also criticized the coalition government for the recent steep rise in the prices of petroleum products. Without giving any information, Imran Khan said that he will soon do a ‘strong show’.