How yoga asanas can help a person suffering from hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare disorder that affects the blood's ability to clot (Image: Shutterstock)

Hemophilia is a rare disorder that affects the blood’s ability to clot (Image: Shutterstock)

This day is celebrated to bring people suffering from Haemophilia together and help them fight this disorder.

World Haemophilia Day is observed every year on 17 April to raise awareness about this bleeding disorder. The day is celebrated to bring people suffering from hemophilia together and help them fight this disorder. This is a rare disorder that affects the ability of blood to clot. In cases of hemophilia, there is excessive internal and external bleeding after an injury or accident.

While there are very few treatments available for hemophilia, the condition cannot be completely cured. Although experts believe that yoga can cure hemophilia to some extent. Yoga expert Akshar, in his interview with Hindustan Times, elaborates on the health benefits of yoga and how it can help cure hemophilia.

Yoga is known to benefit the human body physically and mentally. It also helps to increase flexibility, stability and strength and reduces bleeding. Yoga expert Akshar also discussed various positions and yoga postures that can help in curing hemophilia. There are six yoga asanas that can be practiced to cure hemophilia:

1. Balasana:
2. Sukhasana:
3. Vajrasana:
4. Tadasana:
5. Margariasana
6. Shavasana

Apart from listing the poses, the expert letter also listed the benefits of doing yoga regularly. Yoga is known to provide strength to the body as well as help to relax the mind. It helps in getting a positive attitude towards life.

Yoga can also be modified according to each individual and their level (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and can be increased accordingly if needed.

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