How to Use Face Oils Efficiently in Your Daily Skincare Routine

Last Update: January 13, 2023, 10:51 AM IST

Facial oils should not be used on skin that is prone to breakouts and clogging as doing so leads to overproduction of sebum and acne breakouts.

Facial oils should not be used on skin that is prone to breakouts and clogging as doing so leads to overproduction of sebum and acne breakouts.

With the power of facial oils, it’s time to switch up your skin care routine for healthier, more vibrant and more youthful looking skin. Check out these tips for how to choose the ideal face oil for your skin type and use it correctly for the biggest effects.

Because they can moisturize and nourish the face, facial oils are a popular ingredient for many skincare regimens. Depending on the type of oil used, they provide a number of other benefits as well. For example, some oils are rich in fatty acids, which may help strengthen the skin’s barrier function, while others are high in antioxidants, which may help protect the skin from environmental damage.

Contrary to popular opinion, not all skin types should use facial oils. Experts and gurus recommend not to use oil on oily or acne prone skin. Facial oils cause overproduction of sebum and the development of acne when applied to skin that is prone to breakouts and prone to clogging. If your pores are prone to clogging, you might not benefit from using any face oil. However, some face oils can be used on all skin types and are effective in doing so.

How to choose the ideal face oil

Never forget to read the ingredients listed on the fine print label of the bottle before purchasing it. Use a small patch of skin care product on the front of your palm and wait 10 to 15 minutes to see the reaction. This will ensure that you are not allergic to any new skin care products.

Read also: How authentic are Ayurvedic oils used in cosmetic rituals?

Always choose a facial oil that has relatively small molecules. The biggest ingredients in this regard are jojoba and squalane. Large molecules cannot pass through the epidermis of the skin. Light oils absorb quickly and do not cause scarring.

For best results, follow these 5 tips for applying facial oil properly:

  1. be kind:
    When applying oil to the face, avoid using forceful movements. Vigorous rubbing will not be required for effective facial products application. Be careful around the delicate area around your eyes. Pat it gently to make sure the oil gets absorbed into your skin effectively. Pulling overly tight skin only leads to wrinkles, fine lines and crow’s feet:
  2. Combine your facial moisturizer and oil:
    Your skin gets double the hydration by combining your facial oil and moisturizer. Try not to use essential oils for this as they should never be applied to the face!
  3. Either once or twice, it’s up to you:
    Each layer of the skin is different. Applying facial oils twice a day may be appropriate for dry skin types, while using them as needed may be sufficient for others.
  4. Let the previous skincare dry:
    Before using a face oil, give your previous products some time to dry. Failure to do so will result in pilling. Pilling is the term for when your products clump together on the surface of your skin, requiring you to start your process all over again.
  5. Layering Required:
    You can use the top skin care products available. However, without a reliable layering manual, you may never see the desired skin changes. When facial oils are used properly, they have remarkable effects. Applying face oil as a sealer at the end of your skincare routine will prevent contaminants from penetrating.

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