How to try and extend Wi-Fi range at home: 5 easy steps for your home internet

Home Wi-Fi services become mandatory as ever since the outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus The pandemic returned in early 2020. With working from home at long last in the second half of 2021, your home Wi-Fi is as important a part of your life as any other. On this note, we take a look at five easy, do-it-yourself ways to extend Wi-Fi range at home. For the most part, we try to do this without buying any additional new hardware like all the fancy new Wi-Fi routers around you. Sometimes, the simple solution may be close to you, and here are some ways you can try and extend the Wi-Fi range at home.

Update Your Router Firmware: Our Wi-Fi routers are often highly neglected hardware, in the sense that we forget to update them for our phones, laptops, and even TVs. Without proper admin maintenance, your Wi-Fi router may be running on the oldest firmware for the longest time, therefore not only slowing it down and limiting its performance, but also Making you aware of the many cybercrime risks. To stay safe and get the most out of your Wi-Fi router, log into your Wi-Fi router settings (this requires the IP to be mentioned on your router’s back label), and find the Settings tab to update it. Latest version released by the manufacturer. This can debug a number of issues on your router and make it faster and smoother than before.

Place your router smartly: Often, the problem can be due to the way we place our Wi-Fi router at home and the coverage that results in it being enabled. On this note, try to be as central as possible with keeping your main Wi-Fi router. Try to make sure there are as few concrete walls or obstructions between you and your router as possible. This will give you the maximum possible Wi-Fi signal range through your home, and it can potentially increase Wi-Fi range by a surprising margin.

Remove interference by updating the Wi-Fi channel: We often fall prey to leaving most of our Wi-Fi router settings by default. This often pre-selects a specific Wi-Fi channel for both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi bands, and this may also apply to most homes near you. This, in turn, will lead to band congestion, which in turn can limit Wi-Fi range and reduce overall network speed by a significant margin. To undo this, login to your Wi-Fi router’s admin panel, go to your network settings, select a network band (2.4GHz or 5GHz) at a time, and see which channel your network is on. To see which Wi-Fi channel will be correct, you can use the inbuilt network scanner tool on Mac or any third party network tool on Windows PC and select a suitable Wi-Fi channel. This should significantly improve your Wi-Fi speed and range at home.

For older laptops, use a USB adapter: If you are working on your office PC, chances are that the laptop you are using now may be quite old. In turn, this will mean that your laptop’s Wi-Fi capabilities are dated, and as a result, both your laptop’s Internet range reception and speed are very limited. In such a case, a more prudent solution would be to buy a USB Wi-Fi adapter like this is an excellent choice From Netgear, instead of buying a whole new laptop.

Finally, Use the Range ExtenderLastly, if all of the above fails, an important step you can take for your home Wi-Fi network would be to use a range extender. These Wi-Fi boosters are very useful for improving range in every corner of your home, and can help you setup and extend Wi-Fi range at home for stronger coverage without complicating things. The latest crop of range extenders all come with super easy, simplified setup, so it’s as streamlined as it can get for you.

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