How to take care of pets in summer season? 6 tips for surviving hot weather

dog pictures
Image Source: Instagram/dogsfinstagram

Labrador breed of dogs enjoy fun time together


  • With proper hydration and the right diet, animals can go through the summer
  • It is important to keep your pet well groomed during the summer season
  • Use a fan or AC to regulate the temperature of the room where your pet is resting

Come summer and you will see your furry friends behaving differently. Like humans, changing weather also affects animals. Especially in the summer season, pets require special care due to the increase in the surrounding temperature. Hot and humid conditions can have a serious impact on the health of animals, whether they are adopted and have the privilege of a home or they have strayed. Here are some tips that will help you keep pets safe during the summer.

Summer calls for a change in the diet of animals. Do not feed them too much during this season. Do not give them stale food or food that has not been eaten for 4-5 hours and is lying in the open at any cost.

Hydration is as important for pets as it is for humans during summer. Make sure their water bowl is filled with drinking water at all times. Keep monitoring their fluid intake. Try adding some sort of fluid to their diet when you are feeding them. It will help in easy digestion.

Keep them in a cool place inside the house in severe heat. Animals like to lie on the floor because it is cold. So let them be. Make sure you take a walk, or play with them early in the morning or after dusk, when the temperature is favorable.

– Some pets like to spill water from their drinking bowl onto the floor and lie on it for a cooling effect. This activity should not be discouraged as animals do not sweat like us to regulate body temperature.

– Turn on the AC to control the temperature during extreme heat. Make sure the fan is on when a dog or other pet is in the room.

– If your dog has thick fur, make sure they are well groomed as the extra coating of hair makes them feel warm during the summer.