How to get a smile makeover – Times of India

People today are using orthodontic services to enhance their smile – but this phenomenon is neither a modern trend nor limited to any geographic region. The ancient Egyptians had been tying human teeth with gold wire to make dentures since 15000 BC. For centuries, cultures from the Italians and Mexicans to the Maya and Japanese have used ivory, animal and human teeth to make teeth. Even George Washington was known to use dentures throughout his life.

relationship between smile and personality

People are always conscious about how they look and are perceived by others. it is not surprising. First impressions matter – and a smile can often determine the kind of impression people have on others. A genuine smile conveys the impression of warmth and trustworthiness, and is associated with confidence, friendliness, happiness, and ‘positive vibes’. An aesthetically pleasing smile is also regarded as an indicator of higher intellectual and social abilities.

This is where things get a little complicated. Why? Because how people perceive a smile is related to how it looks. According to a study, the attractiveness of a smile is matched by the shape of the teeth, the visibility of the teeth and the position of the upper lip. However, not everyone is comfortable smiling with a toothy smile because their teeth may be misaligned, crooked or broken. Insecurity resulting from mismanagement leads to low self-esteem, which, in turn, affects one’s personal, professional, and social relationships, as well as the way their personality is perceived by others.

While, as mentioned above, orthodontic treatment has existed for some time, the traditional method of smile correction that uses metal braces doesn’t excite many people for a number of reasons. Apart from being uncomfortable and painful to wear, they tend to undermine the confidence of those who are already conscious of their looks. It is here that modern smile makeover services are moving forward to take the age-old tradition of orthodontic treatment one level further.

Smile improvement as a step in the pursuit of holistic personality development

Modern smile correction services offer invisible, sympathetic, flexible and irritation-free alternatives to metal braces. Through products like Clear Aligners – custom-made dental appendages made from a nearly transparent material – new age brands are reaching out to a larger segment of people. This includes glamor conscious individuals and those who often need to navigate the social and business spheres. Along with alignment, beneficiaries also have the benefit of removing them to attend special occasions or while eating their favorite food.

Due to these benefits, smile makeover services are becoming popular among the new generations. Modern-day individuals are aware of various issues related to body image that interfere with the way they see themselves. The purpose of smile correction goes beyond the realm of enhancing body image. Smile also serves as a therapeutic response for the body. Several studies show that smiling stimulates the brain as much as 2,000 chocolate bars do. Imagine how many calories a person can save just by putting a smile on their face!

Today’s socially and culturally conscious youth are aware that only by becoming the best version of themselves can they become better members of society, capable of opening the door to a brighter, healthier and happier future for all . With a host of easily accessible services and resources available online, many people are embarking on a journey of self-improvement to achieve the maximum potential for personal growth.

With inputs from Dr. Arpi Mehta, Co-Founder and CEO, Toothsee.


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