How to calculate your fertile days? – times of India

It is common knowledge that women cannot get pregnant throughout the month, but only on specific days that support fertilization and conception. The average menstrual cycle for a woman lasts 26-36 days and the ‘fertile window’, or the day on which she is most likely to become pregnant, varies according to the length of the menstrual cycle.

When a girl reaches puberty, the ovaries release a mature egg each month which later moves down the fallopian tubes and this process is known as ovulation. The lining of the uterus thickens to prepare itself for the egg. This is so that the egg can be nourished and rested as it develops, i.e. pregnancy it happens. However, if no fertilization occurs, the egg is damaged and the lining of the uterus is shed along with the blood vessels. This is the process of menstruation that occurs every month in women if they do not conceive. Therefore, the day the ovaries release an egg and the few days before it together include the fertile window. The number of days depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. Indulging in intercourse during this period is the best time to get pregnant.

how to keep track

Knowing when you are ovulating is extremely helpful at conception, as it allows you to engage in intercourse on the right days so that conception is most likely to occur and conditions are optimal. Since there is almost no chance of getting pregnant before or even twenty-four hours after the fertile window, you should pay great attention to your cycle and calculate the fertile window correctly so that you do not miss out on the best days for conception. , Most people like to mark the dates of their periods in the calendar to keep track. Nowadays, apps that track your menstrual cycle and keep a record of all other factors that can affect it are available for better results.

How to calculate your fertile days?
The day you start menstruating is the first day of your cycle and is therefore the reference point for all calculations. Based on the length of your cycle, calculate your ovulation day which is located right in the middle of your cycle. If a woman’s menstrual cycle is the traditional twenty-eight day cycle, ovulation will occur on the fourteenth day, right in the middle of the cycle. Five days before it would be the ninth day and then the ninth to fourteenth day the fertile window would be considered. The most fertile days are considered the three days before the day of ovulation. The day of ovulation is also favorable for conception, but it should be noted that just after twelve to twenty-four hours after ovulation, the chances of conception drop to zero as the egg is damaged.
