How the Ukraine war exposed Western media bias – The Henry Club

Western war journalists, who were more used to being stationed in Middle East conflict zones, were quicker in comparison. Some of those comparisons ended, causing outrage in the Arab world.

“It’s not a place, with all due respect, you know, like Iraq or Afghanistan, where there’s been a conflict for decades,” CBS News foreign correspondent Charlie D’Gata said, referring to Ukraine. “You know, it’s a relatively civilized, relatively European… city.” He later apologized.

Other news outlets expressed sympathy for Ukrainian victims, with interviewers and journalists reporting that, unlike Middle Eastern refugees, Ukrainian victims were “white,” “Christian,” “middle class,” “blond” and “blue-eyed.” .

Within days, hashtags and even T-shirts containing the phrase “decent” surfaced in protests across the Middle East.

The media coverage prompted the New York-based Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association to issue a statement condemning the “widespread mindset in Western journalism of normalizing tragedy” in places such as the Middle East.

Its president Hoda Osman, who has reported for several Western media outlets including France 24, ABC News and CBS News, said the contrast between coverage of Western victims versus the Middle East reflects the dehumanization of the latter.

We asked him why he thought this was happening and what could be done about it.

There are more minority journalists in Western news outlets than ever before. Has he been duped for diversity coverage?

There is no doubt that more minority journalists will provide better coverage, whether through capturing misinformation, bias and racism, booking interviews with knowledgeable people who understand the nuances, offering background and context. . Or help with something as simple as correct translation and pronunciation.

Over the past 16 years, we have seen a significant increase in the number of journalists of Arab and Middle Eastern origin working in Western media. There is also greater diversity in the types of media outlets. [Middle Easterners] Occupying senior positions at national and international news outlets, from local TV stations and newspapers, is part of this. But we still need more. Just being in the room makes a difference and results in better reporting.

Is the level of bias you see in the Western press unprecedented? What’s the difference this time?

sad this time [offending] The comments came so casually, so involuntarily, and as a result, revealed existing bias, something we would expect from a journalist covering an international event.

Sadly we weren’t surprised. The comment garnered some attention for social media, but we knew this kind of prejudice and racism existed.

How seriously do you think news outlets are taking these claims of bias?

I think public pressure will have some effect. I also hope that many organizations truly want to do the right thing.

We have called on newsrooms to train journalists on the cultural and political specifics of the regions they are reporting on, and not rely on American or Euro-centric biases.

Do you think now that Western journalists have covered European wars, they will be more sympathetic to the victims of Middle Eastern wars?

To be honest, I don’t think it matters whether they do or not. We are just asking journalists to be journalists and do a good job of reporting without any bias and without unnecessary comparisons.

Transcript has been edited for length and clarity

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around the area

Due to human intervention, the number of Arabian leopards in Saudi Arabia has dropped to less than 200. The state is now trying to change that.

Saudi Arabia launched an awareness campaign last month to shed light on the critically endangered cat, as officials work with conservationists to protect the remaining leopards.

The smallest member of the panther family, the Arabian panther arrived in the mountains of northern Arabia about 500,000 years ago, the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) says on its website.

The Saudi city of AlUla is one of the oldest cities in the Arabian Peninsula and has become the center of the kingdom’s heritage.

The commission said that humans are the main reason for driving the animals towards extinction.

The RCU wrote in an awareness brochure, “Expanded human presence has reduced and fragmented the habitat of the Arabian leopard, with livestock-rearing communities in the region and leopard herds hunting animals for humans.” conflict between the efforts of.” Leads to attack or hunt leopards.

In an effort to raise awareness, Saudi Arabia launched its first ‘Arabian Leopard Day’ 10, where it illuminated the landmarks with photos of endangered cats along with the #ArabianLeopardDay hashtag. In 2019, it launched a global fund to fund conservation projects, and last September a rare female cub was born in a captive-breeding program in the city of Taif.

The Arabian leopard emerged from Africa and is a symbol for the population of the peninsula. The commission says that there may be less than 50 adult leopards left in the country. There are also some remaining in Oman and Yemen, the last of which has been in Saudi Arabia since 2014.

Protection projects This has also been going on since 2014 in Oman, where a leopard community has taken refuge in the mountains of Jabal Samahan Nature Reserve.

In Yemen, the dire conditions resulting from the ongoing war have led to neglect, with posts on social media showing feral cats either dead or captured.

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