How people diagnosed themselves for COVID-19 during the third wave

Although the number of cases of COVID-19 is declining daily, it is advised not to be careless as the Omron version is still at large. Fortunately, the third wave of the pandemic was mild, and so were the symptoms. Many people chose to self-diagnose them with the help of their symptoms. Here are five symptoms that are signs of COVID-19 knocking on your door:


The first and most common symptom of COVID-19 is fever. It was reported in most patients and usually lasts for 4 days and 7-10 days in the worst cases. Sometimes, the pattern is similar to that of a viral fever, where the temperature may drop when the pills are taken, but start rising again as soon as the pills wear off.

persistent cough

Another symptom of covid is a persistent cough. If you notice that you have been coughing continuously for a few hours and your throat is burning, then there is a possibility that you may have COVID.


Prolonged fatigue and a feeling of lethargy, even if one has not engaged oneself in any activity, is a major symptom of COVID. Fatigue is the feeling of being tired all the time due to various reasons. If you feel that you are tired throughout the day, then you may be COVID-19 positive.

body ache

Another very common symptom of COVID-19 is body aches. If you experience body aches for a long time (due to fatigue or otherwise for longer than normal episodes), you may be at risk of COVID. During Kovid, there is pain in the whole body and especially in the legs, back and chest.

loss of sense of smell and taste

This symptom is the most common symptom of Kovid-19. As the virus infects your lungs, your taste buds and olfactory nerves suffer some damage and so your sense of taste and smell are lost. In many people, this symptom persists for longer than the duration of Kovid-19. Recovery begins only after taking appropriate medication along with a reduction in the intensity of other symptoms.

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