How is this ‘lion’: Seeing a herd of buffalo scared, climbed a tree to save life, see VIDEO

2 minutes ago

Everyone is afraid of the lion, the king of the jungle, but if the king of the jungle is afraid of anyone, then it becomes news. A video is going viral on social media in which a scared lion is trying to climb a tree to avoid a herd of buffaloes. The people present there captured the incident on camera. The video has been viewed more than 22,000 times on social media so far. But the location is not known.

Interesting comments made by users

The video, posted four weeks ago, has garnered over 22,000 likes so far. Along with liking this video, social media users have also made many comments. One user wrote “Hold on tight Simba your father on his way”, apart from this people wrote, describing the lion as weak, “Sometimes the hunter also becomes the victim”.

Seeing the lion climbing the tree, an Instagram user wrote in the caption, why is the lion climbing the tree instead of running, despite having so much space. I got it wrong, seeing this all adult lions will run away.

Many such videos were captured in the past as well.

According to the Daily Mail, a similar incident was reported from Kenya in 2015. When a lion had climbed on top of the tree in anger and the buffaloes instead of running away gathered under the tree and waited for the lion to fall. The shot was captured by an army officer, who had gone with his wife to search the Maasai Mara reserve in Kenya.

Got a chance to take a shot in a wild safari

Last year, a herd of lions blocked traffic during a wild safari in Tanzania. The lions were resting on the road as the jeeps of many passengers were parked as the road ahead was blocked. This incident was also enjoyed by the tourists and was easily captured.

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