Houthis prepared to confront any US-formed coalition in Red Sea

 Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a member of the Houthi politburo, told Al Jazeera on Monday that his group will be able to confront any coalition formed by the United States that could deploy to the Red Sea.

Earlier on Monday, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin gave a joint press conference with his Israeli counterpart, saying: “We are taking action to build an international coalition. This is not just a U.S. problem, it’s an international problem.” Austin announced that a virtual meeting would be held on Tuesday between him and “fellow ministers to address this threat.”

Houthi official al-Bukhaiti also told Al Jazeera that the US offered not to obstruct efforts toward a lasting peace in Yemen in exchange for Houthis halting their military operations in the Red Sea, and “we categorically reject this,” he said.