House help kills well-known landlady for 40 years in Maharashtra, later attempts suicide

In a shocking incident that came to light from Jalna, Maharashtra, a man killed his landlady in a minor dispute over a mobile number. The woman who died in the dispute was a yoga teacher and the accused was working at her house for the last 40 years. The controversy started when a woman who had gone there to learn yoga was asked for her mobile number. The dispute escalated so much that the landlady was murdered. Later the accused also tried to kill himself by consuming poison.

A couple named Alok and Sangeeta Lohati were involved in this dispute. The couple had a servant named Bhimrao Ghande, who had been working for them for 40 years. Sangeeta conducted yoga classes at her home and many women came home to learn it. That day Bhimrao was asking for a mobile number from one such woman. Sangeeta complained this to her husband who had scolded Bhimrao for his ‘misbehaviour’.

But Bhimrao did not take the scolding lightly and broke the window panes of the house. A piece of broken glass hit Alok, which led to a scuffle and Alok thrashed Bhimrao.

The issue did not stop here. Both reached the local police station with bloodied faces and informed the police about the matter. At that time only one lady constable was present in the police station and when he saw them he suggested that they get first aid from the hospital.

Both left the police station but Bhimrao did not go to the hospital for treatment. Instead, he returned home. Going there, he closed all the doors and attacked Sangeeta with a sharp weapon and killed her. He then consumed poison in an attempt to kill himself.

When Bhimrao neither reached the police station nor went to the hospital, Alok got suspicious and returned home, only all the doors locked from inside and Bhimrao’s bike parked outside.

He went inside by breaking the glass door, where he found Sangeeta’s body. Bhimrao was lying unconscious nearby.

Jalna Police has started investigation by registering a case against Bhimrao. Bhimrao has been admitted to a private hospital for treatment.

The family members told the police that Bhimrao was angry and often got angry over small things.

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