Horoscope today, September 7, 2021: Check out daily astrological predictions for Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and other zodiac signs

We try to deal with routine matters because the present transit reflects our desire to heal, help and heal. An excellent time to bring inspiration to work, or daily routine. We must watch out for misrepresenting ourselves. As we focus on vulnerabilities, a lot of weight can be given to matters that are not worthy of attention. Capricorns should allow themselves to say what you’re feeling without editing a single word. Scorpio, you need to choose your words and actions carefully as you draw the necessary boundaries. Gemini can work through the cracks of the heart and establish a deeper connection with themselves.

Aries: (March 21 – April 19)

Aries should beware of rising mood swings

You are prompted to focus on tackling your workload, honing your skills, and immersing yourself in your craft. It is helping you to release the suppressed emotions on the work front. Be aware of increased anger and impulsive decision making. Numbers 1 and 8 will help you. Mars rules your zodiac so red color and letters A, L and E will turn things in your favor.

Taurus: (April 20- May 20)

romantic day for taurus

You are not in the mood for labor as the stars wake up to your need for play and intimacy. A perfect day to rejuvenate your romantic life and focus energy towards de-stressing. The universe sends out an energetic, do-it-yourself attitude. So focus on a creative outlet and save the work pressure for another day. Venus rules your zodiac, so white color will add to your attractiveness. The numbers 2 and 7 and the letters B, V and U will guide you.

Gemini: (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini should keep a low-social profile

Focus on your roots as family life needs attention. You are being encouraged to keep a low-social profile and prioritize comfort. The universe suggests the need to direct excess energy toward a physical outlet. Mercury rules your planet so yellow color will help you. The letters C, K, G and numbers 6 and 3 will guide you.

Cancer: (June 21-July 22)

Luck will bring milky white color for Cancer

There is no room for sloth because you have people to watch and places to go. You are encouraged to immerse yourself in the neighborhood, tie loose ends in ongoing conversations, or commit to projects. The cosmic landscape may be on fire, so watch what comes out of your mouth. Moon rules your zodiac so milky white color will bring luck to you. Number 4 and letters H and D are on your side.

Leo: (July 23- August 23)

Number 5 will help Leo

You are in the mood to be productive. Stars direct your attention to unfinished ventures and skills in your repertoire that await activation. The cosmic landscape helps you pour and dive loads of energy beneath the surface. Sun rules your zodiac, so golden shade has brought you luck. The number 5 and the letters T and M will help you.

Virgo: (August 23-September 22)

Virgo should prioritize their health

Your relationship with your body is paramount. You may be troubled by stressful energy and hyperactive thinking. You are reminded to reconnect with your physical self as the universe encourages self-priority and pampering. Mercury rules your zodiac so numbers 3 and 8 will help you in your undertakings. The color green and the letters T, P and N for luck.

Libra: (September 23- October 22)

Light colors can work for Libra

Slip behind the scenes because you are in dire need of recharge and are running low on social fuel. You are encouraged to spend energy on projects that require adequate follow-up and solitude to complete. A perfect day to work through physical exercise or decadence. Venus rules your zodiac so the letters T and R will guide you. Light colors and numbers 7 and 2 will be best for you.

Scorpio: (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio should pay attention to his social network

You are energized by your sense of community. Pay attention to your social network and your list of long-term aspirations. Unlock any suppressed feelings that require honest expression in peer groups. The universe extends to taking action, so be careful not to close the bottle and explode. Mars rules your zodiac so numbers 8 and 1 will help you. Bright colors and the letters Y and N will accentuate your personality.

Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)

An ideal day to launch a project for Sagittarius

Pave the way forward with your ambitions. Stars help you dedicate energy to move forward in a big way. A perfect day to start projects, or kick off ongoing projects. The universe provides ample energy, but it also elevates the mood for contemplation. Let luck be with the letters D, P, B. Yellow color and numbers 12 and 9 will bring you good luck as your zodiac is ruled by Jupiter.

Capricorn: (December 22- Jan 19)

Letter J, K will be lucky for Capricorn

Don’t surrender to the old routine just because you are looking for a new horizon. You need a revived sense of adventure as the universe tempts you to press the button on pending decisions due to wings. Alignment enhances normal tactile and warm responses. The letters J, K are lucky as Saturn rules your planet. Dark colors and numbers 11 and 10 will calm your mind.

Aquarius: (January 20- February 18)

Aquarius Needs Enough Alone Time

Aim for a low social profile as you focus on the untold stories surrounding intimate partnerships. You need enough alone time to process and investigate. You are being prompted to speak your truth and take direct action within close allies. Be careful as emotional reactions can be heated. Dark colors will be your guide as Saturn rules your planet. Numbers 11 and 10 and letters S and G will be lucky for you.

Pisces: (February 19- March 20)

Pisces should focus on ongoing relationships

Turn your attention to the stories of relationships going on in your universe. The cosmic landscape provides directness and intensity to help clear the air and move forward with plans. However, fiery temper and voices are likely to arise. The letters C, D, J, and T and the color yellow support you. Numbers 9 and 12 will bring luck as Jupiter rules your zodiac.

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