Holi 2023: 5 Unique Traditions Followed In Different Cities Of India To Celebrate The Festival Of Colour

Happy Holi: The Hindu calendar month of Phalgun, which usually falls between February and March, is the time when the festival of colors or Holi is celebrated. On this day, people play with colours, water, flowers, and much more while children and adults apply ‘gulal’ on each other and seek the blessings of their elders.

Every general store and roadside vendor now puts up grand Holi displays. Every household is sharing their favorite Gujiya and Malpua recipe. Holi combines ancient customs and unusual practices as well as contemporary festivities, dance and cuisine, making it the most happening festival of the year.

Indian culture is recognized for its rich tradition and diversity; Its festivals, especially Holi and Diwali, best represent this heritage. Holi, often referred to as the “Festival of Colors,” is celebrated around the world, but in the Indian subcontinent you’ll experience the most amazing diversity, even in the ways this one festival is celebrated.

Many of the rituals performed during the festival may seem shockingly strange to visitors, yet they are an integral part of both traditional and contemporary Indian culture.

Here are 5 of India’s most unique Holi traditions, historical or modern:

1. Cannabis

The excitement of the Holi festival is indeed there for many Indians! Consumption of thandai, a sweet milk-based drink containing cannabis as its primary ingredient, has long been a part of the national heritage of Holi celebrations. Cannabis is essentially a narcotic substance that can also be made from simple vegetarian ingredients.

2. Ashes of Holi

On Holi day, Varanasi is one of the liveliest cities in the world, yet very few people know about the age-old tradition that still continues there. Priests and worshipers perform a ceremony that may be shocking to outsiders – after offering cannabis, fruits and flowers to the god. People use the ashes of the pyre, spread it on each other’s face and throw it at each other. Ashes are usually added to the gulal to give some color to the ashes.

3. Holika Dahan

On the eve of Holi, a huge bonfire is made as part of the Holika Dahan tradition, which is practiced across the country. People gather around it to worship the sacred fire; Sing hymns, dance, and offer gifts.

4. Statues on swings

Due to a peculiar tradition associated with the celebrations, the holiday is also known as Dol Yatra in some regions of Bengal. As part of the festival, devotees compete for a chance to swing the idols of Lord Krishna and Radha as they are shown after being placed on the swings. Women sing religious hymns and dance around the swings as men throw colored water and “abir” (a powder).

5. Elephant Festival

As the “Pink City”, it should come as no surprise that Jaipur celebrates Holi with the usual pomp and fanfare. The celebrations are very unique as they include the Elephant Festival, which is a part of the culture here.

With so many unique Holi traditions across India, you can be sure that traveling to these places and experiencing the different ways of celebrating the festival will be an unforgettable experience.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and common beliefs. Zee News does not confirm the same.)