‘Hitler, Mussolini are ideals of BJP,’ alleges Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel

Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel
Image Source: @ANI

Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Sunday said dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are “ideals” of the BJP whose ideology is “imported” and based on false propaganda.

In an apparent attack targeting the BJP’s ideological mentor RSS, the Congress leader said, “You can see their culture. They wear shorts and black caps and play drums. These are not Indian dresses. They are inspired by him (Hitler and Mussolini) and act accordingly.”

Baghel was talking to reporters at the Swami Vivekananda airport in Raipur after returning from Jaipur, where he participated in a Congress rally. Asked whether Rahul Gandhi has established a new narrative of Hindu versus Hindutvawadi, Baghel said, “BJP’s ideology is imported. The Congress has derived its ideology from the tradition of Rishi Munis (Sages). Be it Shankaracharya, Gautam Buddha, Guru Nanak Dev, Kabir or Guru Ghasidas, all our sages have spoken the truth. The same thing was written by Mahatma Gandhi in his autobiography- ‘My Experiments with Truth’.

He alleged that the foundation of BJP is based on lies and fraud and hence Hitler and Mussolini are its ideals.

“Repeat a lie a hundred times and it turns out to be the truth. In the same way, they (BJP) have indulged in misleading and deceiving the entire country. You may remember that a few years ago Lord Ganesha (statues) started Drinking milk (offered by his devotees) all over the country.

“Similarly, if hydroelectricity is generated through (moving) water, the water will lose its energy and if it is supplied to fields (for irrigation) such water will become useless. These are the people who This kind of false propaganda was done.” CM added.

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