Hindu temple attacked again in Pakistan: Muslim in Karachi broke the statue of Mother Durga with a hammer, BJP leader Sirsa said – Central government should intervene

Karachi2 hours ago

Once again a Hindu temple was attacked in Sindh province of Pakistan. The idol of Maa Durga was broken with a hammer. Accused has been arrested. This temple is in the Ranchod Line area of ​​Karachi. Several people from the minority community gathered after the incident. According to the police, the incident is being investigated.

There have also been incidents of forced conversion of Hindu girls in Sindh. There have been attacks on Hindu temples here in the past as well.

Another part of the temple was also vandalized
Pakistan’s TV channel ‘Sama News’ has given information about this incident in Karachi. According to the report of this channel – on Monday night, a Muslim man entered the Jog Maya temple in Ranchod Lines, a posh area of ​​Karachi. He broke the idol of Maa Durga with a hammer. Another part of the temple was also vandalised.

After the attack, this man wanted to run away, but the local Hindu community came to know about the incident and a lot of people gathered there. These people caught this man. He was later handed over to the police.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has also directed the Imran government to provide security to the temples.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has also directed the Imran government to provide security to the temples.

9th attack on Hindu temples in 22 months
Pakistani journalist Vingas has also shared the video of the incident. He said that this is the 9th attack on Hindu temples in 22 months. Vinagas said- Our Supreme Court has also ordered the government that Hindu temples should be given protection and attacks on them should stop. Despite this, the government is not ready to take any step. The reason for this is that no punishment is given to the guilty.

BJP leader demands action
Bharatiya Janata Party leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa has condemned the incident. In a post made on social media, Sirsa has also shared a video related to this incident. Sirsa said- This is terrorism being spread at the behest of power. Sirsa, tagging External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, appealed to take action on this matter.

Even on Janmashtami, when Hindus were worshiping at a Krishna temple in Sindh, some people attacked the temple and vandalized Kanha's statue.

Even on Janmashtami, when Hindus were worshiping at a Krishna temple in Sindh, some people attacked the temple and vandalized Kanha’s statue.

Temple was demolished even on Janmashtami
The sentiments of the Hindu community were hurt even on the holy day of Janmashtami in September. Then the temple was vandalized in Khirpo area of ​​Sanghar district of Sindh province itself. This temple belonged to Lord Krishna. The idols kept in it were vandalized and the Hindus present there were beaten up and misbehaved. Then the information about the incident in Sindh was also given by Pakistan’s Human Right Activist Rahat Austin on social media. He had said – the temple was attacked because the Hindu community was gathering here to celebrate the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna with pomp.

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