High-level meeting on Corona today: PM Modi will hold meeting with Health Department officials, discussion will be held to stop the increasing cases of Omicron

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  • Review meeting chaired by PM Narendra Modi regarding Corona Omron situation

New Delhi4 minutes ago

This picture is from May 2020.  PM Modi had a meeting regarding the development of anti-covid vaccine.  - Dainik Bhaskar

This picture is from May 2020. PM Modi had a meeting regarding the development of anti-covid vaccine.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called a high level review meeting today regarding Corona. The meeting time is fixed at 10 am today. In this, officers of the Health Department and officers of many other departments will be present. During this, there will be a discussion on how to rein in the increasing cases of Omicron.

It is believed that in the meeting, talks will be held on making the Corona guidelines more strict. Along with this, some decisions can also be made regarding the celebrations on Christmas and New Year. Apart from this, emphasis will be given on increasing the speed of vaccination and the need for booster dose will also be discussed.

Omicron’s total cases in the country increased to 254
Omicron has now entered Uttarakhand and Haryana as well. The total cases of Omicron have increased to 254 across the country. In West Bengal also, 2 people who returned from abroad were found Omicron positive. In Haryana, 4 infected were identified. At the same time, 9-9 new patients were identified in Kerala and Gujarat on Wednesday. The total cases in Kerala are 24, while in Gujarat the patients of the new variant have gone up to 23.

Ban on Christmas and New Year celebrations in Delhi
The Delhi government on Wednesday banned Christmas and New Year celebrations amid rising cases of the Omicron variant. Bars and cinema halls will also open with 50% capacity. Apart from this, gathering of crowd and organizing cultural programs have also been banned. Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has issued new orders. Delhi Police and administration have been instructed to strictly follow the orders.

Omicron spread to more than 100 countries
Due to the increasing cases of Omicron, sanctions are being imposed in many countries. This variant has spread to more than 100 countries. World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Ted Ross says that governments around the world should work towards ending the epidemic. He said that 2022 should be the year in which we end the pandemic. If 70% of the population of every country is vaccinated by July next year, then the epidemic can be ended.

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