High cholesterol signs: Can high cholesterol affect your skin? Tips to manage and lower your cholesterol

high cholesterol: Fatty deposits under the skin can form when you have too much cholesterol in your bloodstream. This can result in oily orange or yellow pimples. In addition, cholesterol can block capillaries, which are very small blood vessels that carry oxygen to the skin. This can result in a change in the color of the surface of your skin.

Warning signs may appear on your skin and nails, sometimes the color of the skin may change. Additionally, having high cholesterol can lead to skin infections and worsen conditions such as psoriasis.

Here are five signs of high cholesterol on the skin

Lumpy, pale yellow growths on the eyelids and skin.

Blue or purple mesh-like pattern on the skin.

– Blue-violet color on the skin.

waxy lumps that suddenly pop up on your skin

Extreme dryness and change in skin color

What is the cause of high cholesterol?

– unhealthy eating habits

– sedentary lifestyle

– some specific diseases

– Family History / Hereditary

– other concomitant diseases

How to manage high cholesterol level?

Depending on a person’s individual health condition, a doctor may prescribe medications to lower a person’s high cholesterol levels.

Lifestyle changes are necessary to reduce cholesterol

Restricting high saturated fat.

– Consuming more fiber rich diet.

Some physical activity and engaging in regular physical activity.

– Limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not verify the hits)