High Blood Sugar Management: 5 Superfoods Excellent for People With Diabetes – Check Complete List

A sedentary lifestyle and poor diet contribute to many health problems, including high blood sugar or diabetes. Here is a list of 5 superfoods that can improve your insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels and boost your immunity overall. Amla, oranges, cinnamon tea, beetroot and vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli – all of these help lower blood sugar. Let’s see how.

1. Amla

Indian gooseberry can be a powerful antidote for type 2 diabetes patients. Rich in chromium, amla is good for stabilizing blood sugar levels. It also improves insulin sensitivity. Amla is also rich in Vitamin C and has antioxidant and immunity-boosting properties, which is beneficial to a large extent for people with diabetes. Make it into marmalade, pickle, candy, chutney or juice or enjoy it straight with a dash of black pepper powder.

2. Oranges

Oranges are citrus fruits that are often touted as a ‘diabetes superfood’. Since it has a low glycemic index, oranges can be consumed guilt-free. Vitamin C, which all citrus fruits contain, lowers high sugar levels and aids in the recovery of damaged cells, thanks to it being a powerful antioxidant.

3. Cinnamon Tea

Several studies have shown that cinnamon lowers cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. Not just this, consuming cinnamon improves insulin sensitivity and hence lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, use cinnamon rich in anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in tea and consume it for good health.

Also read: High Blood Sugar Control: Is Moringa Beneficial For People With Diabetes? Check out what nutritionists say

4. Beet

Rich in fiber and essential minerals such as potassium, iron, manganese and phytochemicals, beetroot has many beneficial effects on diabetics. To control the insulin level in the body add beetroot to the soup or mix it with coconut and enjoy.

5. Crispy Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli strengthen one’s immunity, thanks to their high vitamin C content. These vegetables are loaded with fiber and reduce hunger pangs, thus keeping the diet under control. Apart from diabetes, vegetables containing fibre, fatty acids and vitamins also help in controlling blood pressure in the body and are excellent for heart health.