Here’s How To Make Healthy And Delicious Corn Keys At Home

Corn keys are not only delicious to eat but are also very beneficial for your health. Corn is considered mild and its dishes can be eaten in all twelve months of the year. Maize Keys is a famous dish of the state of Madhya Pradesh.

So today we are going to bring you the recipe of Corn Keys. The recipe is the easiest and you will be able to easily prepare healthy and flavorful cornmeal at home.

Ingredients for making Corn Keys:

Bhutte (Sweet Corn) – 2 cups

Milk – 1/2 cup

Coconut grated – 2 tbsp

Ginger grated – 1/2 tsp

Green chilies chopped – 2

Rai – 1/2 tsp

Cumin – 1/2 tsp

green coriander

Lemon juice – 1 tsp

Turmeric Powder – 1/4 tsp

Asafoetida – 1 pinch


salt – as per taste

Recipe – Corn Kees

Take water in a vessel and heat it on flame.

When the water becomes hot, add sweet corn to it and bring it to a boil. This will make the corn soft.

Make a paste by grinding them coarsely in a mixer.

Now take a pan, put some oil in it and start heating it.

When the oil is hot enough, add mustard seeds, cumin seeds and fry them. Then put asafoetida in it.

After this, add finely chopped green chilies and grated ginger and fry it well on low flame.

Now add sweet corn paste and turmeric powder to it. After this, mix this mixture well and fry it. Fry it till its color changes.

Add milk to sweet corn and let it cook on low flame.

Meanwhile, cover the pan with a plate. When the mixture of milk and sweet corn thickens well, then add salt as per taste.

After this add lemon juice to it and turn off the gas.

In this way your roasted corn is ready. Add grated coconut and finely chopped coriander leaves on top. Now Delicious Hot Corn Ki is ready to be served.

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