Here’s How to Change Name Or Spelling on Aadhaar Card Online

Last Update: February 10, 2023, 15:10 IST

Aadhar card contains personal information like name, date of birth, gender, mobile number, address and photo.

Aadhar card contains personal information like name, date of birth, gender, mobile number, address and photo.

People who want to update or change the demographic details on their Aadhaar card can do so through the official website of UIDAI; check how you can do it

People who want to update or change the demographic details on their Aadhaar card can do so through the official website of UIDAI. Aadhaar card is one of the most important documents in India. Aadhaar card was launched by UIDAI in 2012 with the aim of having a unique identification number or document that contains every vital detail of an Indian resident. This card contains personal information like name, date of birth, gender, mobile number, address and photo etc.

The card is mandatory for availing benefits under government schemes such as opening a bank account, mobile and internet connection, Public Distribution System (PDS), pension, Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) withdrawal, and much more. If there is any error in Aadhaar card, it may lead to cancellation of government benefits or you may also face problem in bank transactions. Hence, it is important that your latest address in your Aadhaar card should be updated and error free personal information.

People who want to update or change the demographic details on their Aadhaar card can do so through the official website of UIDAI. It is important to note that the registered mobile number should be linked with the Aadhaar card in order to use the online update or correction facility.

Check how to change or correct spelling error on Aadhaar card:

Step 1: Visit the Aadhaar self-service update portal at

Step 2: Click on ‘Login’ using the registered mobile number and OTP.

Step 3: Then click on ‘Update Aadhaar Online’ under ‘Services’ section.

Step 4: Select ‘Edit Name’ option on the page from the list and write the correct spelling.

Step 5: Preview the form and click on the submit button.

It is to be noted that an amount of Rs 50 needs to be paid using Debit/Credit card or Net banking which is non-refundable. You will receive a service request number once the payment is done. You can track the request made using this number. The above process is similar to the changes to be made in your Aadhaar card in address, age, gender and date of birth.

Most of the details in your Aadhaar card can be easily updated online, however, there are some that can only be changed or updated by visiting an Aadhaar Enrollment Centre. The details include mobile number, email id and biometric data. Those who wish to change the above are advised to visit the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Centre.

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