Here’s How to Build Lean and Strong Muscle Without Protein Shakes or Supplements

Having lean muscles is every fitness enthusiast’s dream. We are often inspired to achieve them by showing off our muscles with actors and models. When we talk about lean muscle mass, one thing that comes to our mind is the consumption of protein shakes. There is a growing demand for protein supplements among fitness enthusiasts. However, we often forget that protein is not only extracted through supplementation and these products also have some potential side effects.

While protein is an essential nutrient for building muscle, building lean muscle mass, and maintaining weight loss in the long run, does not require relying on protein powders.

Muscle mass provides vital strength, energy level, mobility and plays a good role in boosting metabolism. Building lean muscle mass depends on the type of workout you do, your protein intake, and your needs from a regime, with protein playing the most supportive role. Here are all the things you need to know.

The amount of protein you need in a day

It is very important to consume nutrients properly to promote fat burning and build lean muscle mass. Ideal protein consumption varies according to a person’s weight and age. It is said that every person should consume 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in a day.

Is it necessary to consume protein powder?

Although it has not been scientifically proven that protein powder is the best way to build muscle, it is a preferred means of building muscle and supporting one’s workouts. One can also maintain the amount of protein by consuming protein-rich foods.

It is believed that protein powders contain higher amounts of nutrients than food sources. Hence, protein powder is said to be more beneficial for beginners, however, it is not necessary.

How to consume protein without supplements or powders?

A good number of protein-rich foods are available for vegetarians, vegans and non-vegetarians, although they are said to contain very little protein. People who rely only on food sources may have less than 100 grams of protein a day.

Therefore, you should include more protein-rich foods in your diet. You can get the best out of both by consuming protein-rich foods as well as protein powders. There are also many plant based protein powders now available in the market.

Schedule meals well before and after your workout

When you are working out consistently, it becomes essential that you add rich protein foods to your pre- and post-workout meals, and also include other essential macronutrients in your diet.

You can have a protein-rich drink or snack 30 minutes before or after a workout to boost performance. Including a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, along with these proteins will also help to exemplify the results. Also, try to include some protein-rich foods at each meal and snack to meet the requirement.

Exercises to include in your routine

Building lean muscle also depends on the type of exercises you do. There are some specific forms of workouts and muscle building exercises to build lean muscle such as resistance training exercises, working with weights and engaging in sports.

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