Here’s how much Tim Cook earned as Apple CEO in 2020 – Times of India

Apple There is a company that is worth trillions of dollars and is a household name. under Tim CookThe company has grown a lot in the last 11 years and if you are wondering how much does Apple CEO His efforts are paid for, so we’ve got the answer. Cook’s compensation package in 2020 was approximately $265 million, according to Bloomberg’s annual wage index. Bloomberg’s data breaks down Cook’s compensation as follows: $10.7 million from bonuses, $3 million in salary, nearly $1 million in perks, and a whopping $250.3 million from stock awards.
According to Bloomberg, Cook’s annual compensation package nearly doubled in 2020. In 2019, the Apple CEO had a net worth of $133.7 million. Bloomberg data also shows that Cook is the 8th highest paid US CEO.
Earlier this year, a report in The Wall Street Journal also revealed that Cook’s salary — minus stock awards — was about $14.7 million. Cook’s salary package was only slightly higher than the average salary of top CEOs around the world. According to the WSJ, in the S&P 500 Index, the median salary of a CEO was approximately $13.4 million. According to the report, the salary of Apple CEO increased by 28% in 2020.
Meanwhile, Apple and Cook are gearing up to launch this year’s iPhones. it is expected that iphone 13 (unconfirmed name) scheduled to be on track for a September launch. NS iphone 12 If recent quarterly earnings are an indicator, the series has done pretty well for Apple. Apple is expected to launch four new this year iphone And the highlights are expected to be an upgraded camera system, performance changes and a new processor. Apple hasn’t announced when the iPhones will arrive in September. However, we can expect them to be unveiled sometime around the second week of September.


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