Here’s How Managing Your Senses Can Help You Calm Your Mind

Our monotonous life has made our mind dull. The routine moving from home to office and vice versa has forced us to work non-stop like machines. Everything from your home, city, state, social environment and even work environment affects your mental health to a great extent.

According to a report published in Hindustan Times, Ho’oponopono, an ancient philosophy based on forgiveness, can make a difference in your life by balancing your senses. Here’s how to overcome dullness by developing these five senses:

Vision: Everything you see around you affects your mental health. The scenes are said to be very therapeutic. When walking, make sure you observe your surroundings and don’t focus on your phone. It will leave you with a sense of peace and clarity.

Sound: The vibrational energy from sound stimulates emotional, physical and spiritual responses. Choose a quiet place, pay attention to the sounds around you, try to listen to your thoughts and feelings. If you still feel disoriented, take a deep breath and return to the exercise.

Smell: The sense of smell connects us to emotions and instincts. Ayurvedic aromatherapy is a powerful way to balance and heal emotions. The fragrance helps in improving your mood and also calms your mind. Scented candles and scented oils are great for relieving stress. Take a few minutes each day to enjoy it.

Taste: While eating make sure you focus all your attention on the sense of taste and don’t let the mind get distracted. Pay attention to the different tastes as you chew the food. This will calm your mind and your body will be able to get all the nutrients from the food.

Touch: It helps to feel connected to our body, people and surroundings. Use the power of touch to calm your mind and refresh your body. Activities such as touching a soft cloth, bathing with warm or cold water, and massaging help relieve stress.

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