Here are some important check-ups that men should avoid, read

Men are at a higher risk of developing some serious health problems like diabetes, heart problems and prostate cancer after a certain age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men up to age 45 are more likely to have high blood pressure than women of the same age. Not only women, men also have a special type of cancer, that is, prostate cancer. It is one of the most common types of cancer in men that grows slowly and can spread to other areas of the body, especially the bones and lymph nodes. Initially, it does not show any symptoms, however, in the later stages, it may cause pain or difficulty urinating, blood in the urine or pain in the pelvis or back. Here are some tests, tests and tests that men should do regularly to stay healthy.

monitor your blood pressure

Men should control their blood pressure after a certain time and avoid eating habits or any other habits that may affect their blood pressure.

cholesterol level

Men over the age of 35 should have their cholesterol levels checked after every 3 years. This will help reduce the risk of heart disease. People who have diabetes, body mass index (BMI), over 30, a family history of stroke, or smoke should monitor their cholesterol levels from age 20 onwards.


Men are at a higher risk of developing diabetes from an early age than women. That’s why you should keep checking your sugar level from time to time.

eye exam

While there is no specific age for eye care, men over the age of 40 should have their eyes checked regularly every year and should not ignore signs such as blurriness, red-eye, pain or swelling.

prostate cancer

According to the CDC, men over 60 are twice as likely to get prostate cancer. Therefore, timely intervention and investigation will help in early diagnosis and care.

bone health assessment

Measurement of bones is important not only for men but also for women. A good bone-mineral density eliminates the risk of osteoporosis which can make your bones weak and brittle and lead to fractures.

skin problems

Like prostate cancer screening, skin testing is equally important in case of any mole or freckle. Go for regular check-ups and find solutions to all your skin problems.

dental health

After a certain age, people often complain of dental problems. Thus it is quite essential to follow proper oral hygiene to avoid any dental problems as well as oral cancer. You can also keep infections like colds and gum diseases away.

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