Hearing on Karnataka hijab controversy again: no result came out on Wednesday, now the decision of three judges of the High Court can come today

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  • Hijab Controversy In Karnataka Will Be Heard Again In The High Court On 17 Feb Court Can Take Decision

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The hijab controversy in Karnataka will be heard again in the High Court on Thursday. Earlier on Wednesday, a three-judge bench hearing was held in the court. During the hearing, the counsel for the petitioners and the public prosecutor presented their respective arguments, but no decision could be taken. Everyone is waiting for the court’s decision in this matter. The court is expected to give its verdict in the matter on Thursday.

What happened in court on Wednesday
During the hearing on Wednesday in the High Court on the Hijab controversy in Karnataka, there was a vigorous cross-examination of lawyers. Advocate Kumar, appearing for the Muslim girl students, made several arguments before the bench. He said that he does not understand why the government is treating Muslim women like enemies by raising the issue of hijab.

When Hindu girls wear bangles and Christians wear crosses are they not religious symbols. So why are you choosing these poor Muslim girls. On Wednesday also, no decision could be taken on this matter in the Karnataka High Court. Senior advocate Adish Aggarwal told about the intervention application, but the court made it clear that no intervention will be heard in the case unless it is necessary. Further hearing in the matter will continue on Thursday afternoon as well.

500 people wrote open letter
More than 500 law students, law experts and lawyers have written an open letter on the Hijab issue. In which there has been a strong condemnation of preventing Muslim girls from entering schools and colleges for wearing hijab. This is called a violation of constitutional rights.

It has also said that this disregard for Muslim girls and women is inhuman in public view, it amounts to insult to the Constitution and the entire community. Our heads hang in shame for failing to protect their basic right to live life with dignity.

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