Health – Low testosterone level in men gives birth to many problems, recognize these 6 warning signs – INA News Agancy

Symptoms of Low Testosterone Level in Men: There are many types of hormones in the body. One of those hormones is testosterone. It is a male sex hormone, which maintains sexual health in men. Preserves the desire for sex drive in them. Testosterone also keeps men’s fertility strong. This hormone is produced in male testicles or testicles. Due to its lack, the dream of becoming a father can also be lost. The lack of this hormone in men not only affects their sexual ability, but also increases the chances of having many other physical, mental problems. With increasing age, there is a deficiency of this hormone in the body.

Signs and symptoms of low testosterone level

  • If the level of testosterone in a man’s body is low, then he can feel tired throughout the day. There is a lack of power, stamina in the body. However, there are many other causes of fatigue, so when you are uninterested in having a physical relationship, consult a doctor.

Read also: Lack of sex hormones in men can be the reason for many problems

  • Gradually the desire for sex starts decreasing. Erectile dysfunction may also occur in some men. If you have started making excuses to stay away from your partner, then definitely contact the doctor.
  • Many times, due to lack of male hormone, there is a problem in being able to concentrate in any work. Memory power may be low. You start living in stress, depression all day. For this you focus on yourself. Exercise, yoga, meditation and healthy diet, take proper sleep.
  • Fatigue, muscle pain can be felt while working out. Testosterone also builds muscle. When there is a lack of it in the body, then gradually the muscles can become weak.
  • Low testosterone can cause bone problems, sleeplessness, loss of hair in many parts of the body, feeling restless, irritability, mood swings, weight gain.

(Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article is based on general information. Hindi news18 does not confirm the same. Before implementing these, please contact the concerned expert.)

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