Health care in the anchors of Amarnath Yatra: Now only nutritious food will be available; Fried and junk food ban including chips-samosas, cold drinks

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  • Amarnath Yatra Registration 2022 Update | Amarnath Yatra Travel Guidelines and Requirements

Ludhiana13 hours agoWriters: Sunil Kumar

Things like fried food, junk food, sweet dish, chips, samosas will not be available in the langars during the Amarnath Yatra, which is going to start after 2 years. Dozens of such things have been banned. The Shrine Board has written a letter to all the langar committees that only nutritious items like green vegetables, salad, corn roti, plain dal, low fat milk and curd should be given to the pilgrims. In this decision taken on the opinion of health experts, it has been told that healthy food will keep the health of the passengers well. Their energy level will be fine, due to which there will be no problem in traveling.

Meanwhile, the weather on the way to Shri Amarnath Cave is constantly changing, snowfall continues for two days. In such a situation, there may be a delay in starting the journey. The Shrine Board has predicted the arrival of more than 7 lakh devotees. A total of 3.5 lakh devotees had reached in 2019.

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ban them
There is a ban on non-vegetarian, alcohol, tobacco and gutkha, but this time pulao, fried rice, puri, bhatura, pizza, burger, fried paratha, dosa, fried roti, bread butter, pickle, chutney, papad, noodles, cold Drinks, Halwa, Jalebi, Chips, Mathi, Namkeen, Mixture, Pakora, Samosa and all kinds of deep fried items will not be available.

120 institutions will anchor
120 social organizations from all over the country will anchor on the Yatra route. These langars will be set up between Baltal Camp, Baltal-Domel, Domel, Railpatri, Bararimarg, Sangam, Nunwan, Chandanwadi, Chandanwadi-Pissutop, Pisatop, Jojibal, Nagakoti, Sheshnag, Vavbal, Poshpatri, Kelnar, Panchtarni and near the holy cave. .

Important things related to the Amarnath Yatra of 2022

  • The Amarnath Yatra of 2022 will run from June 30 to August 11.
  • All devotees will have to follow the Kovid protocol.
  • Pregnant women below 13 years and above 75 years and more than 6 weeks of age will not be allowed to travel.
  • The Shrine Board has agreed to fix 10,000 pilgrims per day on both the Pahalgam and Baltal yatra routes, excluding those traveling by helicopter.
  • This time it has been decided to extend the free battery vehicle facility on the 2 km long travel route from Baltal to Domel.
  • For the security of Amarnath Yatra, there is a plan to deploy around 1 lakh personnel of 250 companies of security forces. It will be headed by CRPF personnel.
  • According to an estimate, more than 10 lakh devotees can attend this time’s Amarnath Yatra.

Keep these 10 things in mind after starting Amarnath Yatra

  • It will not be convenient for women to wear saree, they travel wearing salwar-kameez, pant-shirt or track suit.
  • Do not do Amarnath trekking by wearing slippers at all. The roads are slippery, so use tracking shoes with lace.
  • Stay around the porter carrying your luggage, so that you can quickly remove anything from the bag if you need it.
  • Carry extra clothes and food items in a waterproof bag with you on your journey beyond Pahalgam and Baltal. They can be used when wet.
  • Be sure to carry a water bottle, some snacks like roasted gram, dry fruits, toffee, chocolate etc.
  • Carry any moisturizer cream and Vaseline with you to avoid sunburn.
  • To make sure you don’t get lost, never walk alone and always be with fellow travellers.
  • In case of emergency, always keep your name, address and home phone number in your pocket. If you are going with a partner or in a group, then write down their phone number too.
  • If any of your companions are lost while leaving the base camp, immediately report it to the police and get the person declared missing.
  • Do not try to complete the journey by any shortcut route. Doing so can be dangerous.

Tight guard on the route, RFID system for tracking pilgrims

  • The government is also planning to introduce an RFID system for the pilgrims, so that the movement of each devotee can be tracked.
  • Tight security arrangements will be made on the entire yatra route from Jammu to the Valley. 60 companies of paramilitary forces will be deployed.
  • Sniffer dogs will be deployed on the travel route. There will also be two companies of women.
  • Apart from deploying mountain rescue teams, the administration will also set up health camps for the pilgrims.

What is Amarnath Dham and its importance?

Amarnath Dham is a holy cave located in the lap of Himalayas in Jammu and Kashmir, which is one of the holiest sites for Hindus.

  • It is believed that in this holy cave located in Amarnath, Lord Shiva is seated in the form of a snow-lingam i.e. ice Shivling. It is also called ‘Baba Barfani’ because of the formation of Shivling from snow.
  • The holy cave is surrounded by glacier, snowy mountains. The cave is covered with snow for most of the year except for a few days in summer. It is open for the darshan of pilgrims during the same days of summer.
  • The special thing is that every year in this cave, ice Shivling is formed naturally. It is formed by the dripping of water droplets from a crack in the ceiling of the cave. Due to the extreme cold, the water freezes and the ice Shivling takes shape.
  • This is the only Shivling, which grows and shrinks depending on the light of the moon. This Shivling is completed on the full moon day of Shravan Shukla Paksha and after that it reduces significantly in size till the next new moon. This happens every year.
  • Every year lakhs of devotees visit the holy cave of Amarnath to see this snow Shivling.
  • Two small ice Shivlings are formed on the left side of the ice Shivling, they are believed to be the symbol of Mother Parvati and Lord Ganesha.

Where is the holy cave of Amarnath located?

  • Amarnath Cave is located in the Ganderbal district of Jammu and Kashmir on the Amarnath mountain at an altitude of more than 17 thousand feet.
  • Amarnath Cave is located 141 km from Srinagar in South Kashmir. This cave is situated in a narrow valley at the far end of the Lidder Valley. It is 46-48 kms from Pahalgam and 14-16 kms from Baltal.
  • The cave is situated at an altitude of 3,888 meters above sea level. It can only be reached on foot or by pony.
  • Pilgrims reach through steep and winding mountain roads covering a distance of 46-48 kms from Pahalgam or 14-16 kms from Baltal.

What is the legend related to Amarnath cave?

  • According to the legend related to the Amarnath cave, once Mata Parvati asked Lord Shiva the reason for his immortality, on which Bholenath asked him to listen to the immortal story.
  • Parvati ji agreed to listen to the immortal story. For this he started looking for a place where no one else could hear the secret of being immortal. Eventually he reached the Amarnath cave.
  • Before reaching the Amarnath cave, Shiva left Nandi in Pahalgam, Moon at Chandanwadi, Serpent on the banks of Sheshnag lake, Ganeshji on Mahagun Parvat, five elements (earth, water, air, fire and sky) in Panchtarni.
  • After reaching the Amarnath cave with Parvati, Shiva took samadhi. He then ordered Kalagni to destroy every living thing around the cave, so that no one else could hear the immortal story.
  • After this Shiva narrated the story of immortality to Parvati, but a pair of pigeons also heard this story and became immortal. Even today, many devotees claim to see a pair of pigeons in the Amarnath cave. The survival of these pigeons in such a high and cold area is astonishing.
  • Finally, Shiva and Parvati appeared in the form of a lingam made of ice in the Amarnath cave, which is still naturally formed today and is visited by devotees.

When did Amarnath Yatra start?

  • There is no official record as to when the Amarnath Yatra started. Amarnath is mentioned in Rajatarangini, the book of Kalhana written in the 12th century.
  • It is believed that in the 11th century, Queen Suryamati donated Trishul, Banaling and many other holy things to the Amarnath temple.
  • According to one belief, the Amarnath cave was first discovered by sage Bhrigu. In fact, once the Kashmir valley was submerged in water, Rishi Kashyap took the water out through rivers and streams. Sage Bhrigu first saw Shiva in Amarnath after the water came out.
  • According to modern researchers, Amarnath cave was discovered in 1850 by a Muslim shepherd named Buta Malik.
  • Sister Nivedita in ‘Notes of Some Wandering with Swami Vivekananda’ mentions Swami Vivekananda’s visit to the Amarnath cave in 1898.

When was Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board formed?

  • For a long time the family members of Buta Malik, the Pandits of Dashnami Akhara and the priest Sabha Mattan were the traditional patrons of this shrine.
  • In 2000, the Farooq Abdullah Government of Jammu and Kashmir formed the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board, headed by the Governor, to enhance the convenience of the Yatra. Malik’s family and Hindu organizations were removed from the Shrine Board.

When is Amarnath Yatra

  • The Amarnath Yatra usually takes place during July-August, when the holy month of the Hindus falls.
  • Initially the pilgrimage was held for 15 days or a month. In 2004, the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board decided to hold the pilgrimage for about 2 months.
  • In 1995 the Amarnath Yatra lasted for 20 days, while during 2004 to 2009, the Yatra lasted for 60 days. In the years that followed, the yatra lasted 40 to 60 days.
  • In 2019, this yatra was to start from July 1 to August 15, but was canceled citing security reasons a few days before the abrogation of Article 370.
  • The number of Amarnath pilgrims has increased over the years. From thousands in the 1990s to the next few years, lakhs of pilgrims went on the Amarnath Yatra. A record 6.34 lakh pilgrims visited Amarnath in 2011.

What is the old and new route of Amarnath Yatra?

  • The route of Amarnath Yatra has been changing with time. Along with the construction of roads in this area, the travel route has also changed. Now there are two routes to visit Amarnath.
  • One route starts from Pahalgam, which is about 46-48 km long. It takes 5 days to travel by this route.
  • The second route starts from Baltal. The distance of the cave from here is 14-16 km, but due to the steep climb it is not possible for everyone to reach it. The journey through this route takes 1-2 days.

Amarnath distance from some big cities of the country

  • 631 kms from Delhi
  • 1234 KM from Bhopal
  • 1561 kms from Raipur
  • 812 KM from Jaipur
  • 2370 KM from Bangalore
  • 1702 KM from Mumbai
  • 970 kms from Lucknow
  • 1332 KM from Patna

There have been 36 terrorist attacks on Amarnath Yatra

  • The first threats to Amarnath pilgrims were made in 1993 by the Pakistan-based Harkat-ul-Ansar terrorist organization.
  • The first terrorist attack on the Amarnath Yatra happened in 2000. Of these 32 people died, of whom 21 were pilgrims.
  • In 2001, 13 people were killed in a grenade attack by terrorists on a pilgrimage camp.
  • In 2002, 11 pilgrims were killed in two terror attacks. In 2017, 8 pilgrims were killed in militant firing.
  • In 2017, the government told the Lok Sabha that in the 27 years from 1990 to 2017, there were 36 terror attacks on the Amarnath Yatra, in which 53 pilgrims were killed and 167 were injured.

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