Health Benefits of Kokum Fruit We Bet Nobody Ever Told You

Last Update: February 16, 2023, 12:35 IST

Kokum fruits are produced in summer.

Kokum fruits are produced in summer.

Kokum is a tropical fruit, grown in the south and west regions of India. Kokum plant is known as a medicinal herb in Ayurveda, which protects us from many allergies and stomach related problems.

Kokum is a tropical fruit, which is used both as a spice and medicine. A small round shaped fruit of deep purple color is acidic in taste and has a slightly sweet and astringent taste. It is a great alternative to tamarind. Kokum fruits are produced in summer, their kernels are dried and used as masala (spice) in various traditional vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. It not only adds flavor to food but also provides nutrition.

Kokum has many health benefits. Its consumption increases appetite, controls phlegm, vata and also helps prevent throat pain, constipation and piles. It is considered a medicinal superfood in Ayurveda. Kokum has the power to keep away Vata and Kapha doshas. Drinking fresh juice of kokum gives coolness to the body.

Kokum increases appetite, reduces vata-kapha

Kokum contains many nutrients. A 100 gram serving of kokum contains 60 calories, 14.3 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of dietary fiber, 0.5 grams of protein and other nutrients. Kokum is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that provide effective benefits to the body.

According to well-known Ayurveda expert Acharya Balakrishna, “Ayurveda states that kokum is an appetite enhancer, a phlegm reducer and a pacifier of vata dosha. Kokum contains antioxidants, which relieve constipation, piles, stomach problems, sore throat and pain. Its use is beneficial in reducing heart diseases. It can even heal wounds.”

According to Rama Gupta, a renowned dietician and Yogacharya, “Kokum has anti-diarrheal properties, due to which consuming it can help in the treatment of loose motions. It has both antifungal and antioxidant properties, which are of great benefit to the body. Kokum also contains hydroxycitric acid (skin lightener). Consuming kokum not only maintains the glow of the skin but also helps in reducing weight and preventing bad cholesterol. It is good for digestion and prevents acidity, soothes bloating in the stomach.”

Kokum is also considered a curative in Ayurveda. It can also bring relief from any allergies, wounds, swelling, cracks, cuts and even burns. It also controls borderline diabetes. Consuming kokum fruit juice or sharbat is considered to be the best natural source to prevent dehydration and chances of heat stroke in summers.

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