He stabbed his girlfriend with a knife, then started the fire: the lover took the fatal step when he did not agree to the marriage, also killed himself

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  • Girlfriend was hit by the throat, then started fire if the lover did not agree, then the lover took a fatal step, killed himself too

Kozhikode40 minutes ago

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Nandu, the girlfriend and the one who took his own life.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Nandu, the girlfriend and the one who took his own life.

A lover stabbed the girlfriend by hugging her and set her on fire. Then he also set himself on fire. The case is of Kozhikode, Kerala. Both were later admitted to the Kozhikode Medical College Hospital (KMCH), where both died due to severe burns. The girl died on Friday evening and the youth died on Saturday morning.

The girl used to work as a temporary staff
Nandu Mohanan (26) reached Krishnapriya Manoj (22) outside the office on Friday, first forcibly hugged her, then stabbed her. After this, he poured petrol on the girl and set her on fire. Krishnapriya Thikkadi used to work as a temporary staff in the gram panchayat. After this, the young man set himself on fire by pouring petrol on himself.

People reached the spot and poured water on both of them, but could not save their lives.
Local people reached the spot and tried to douse the fire by pouring water on both of them. Both were taken to the Medical College Hospital but the girl died in the evening itself. Nandu and Krishnapriya were local residents and were in a relationship. Nandu worked as a daily wage laborer, while Krishnapriya was posted as a project assistant in the planning department at the panchayat office.

If there is no talk of relationship, then the fire is set, don’t be patient
Krishnapriya’s family said that there were some problems in their relationship. Nandu had gone to Krishnapriya’s house two days ago to talk about the relationship. Krishnapriya’s family members had asked for time to think for a few more days. Payyoli Police Inspector KC Subhash said that the body of the girl was 98% and that of the youth was 95% scorched. After the postmortem, the bodies of both will be handed over to their families.

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