He felt insecure, asked for transfer: Wife of slain Kashmiri Pandit

The wife of Rahul Bhat, a Kashmiri Pandit who was killed by terrorists in Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday afternoon, said that her husband felt “insecure” while working in Chadoora.

Speaking with India Today TV, Meenakshi Bhat said her husband, Rahul, had requested the local administration to transfer him to the district headquarter.

“But despite repeated pleas, he wasn’t transferred,” Meenakshi Bhat told India Today TV.

Rahul Bhat, an employee of the revenue department in Budgam, sustained serious injuries after terrorists fired at him on Thursday. He was hastened to a hospital in Srinagar where he died a little while later. The terror group, ‘Kashmir Tigers’, took responsibility for the attack.