Harris: Biden sends Kamala Harris back to Europe to shore up NATO’s eastern flank – Times of India

Washington: US President Joe Biden is sending Vice President Kamala harris For Poland and Romania next week to express support for the eastern side of NATO, even if the coalition has left Ukraine to do your own battle against Russia after hanging in front of it a nato membership, which an enraged Moscow saw as a provocation.
Harris, who was in Munich for a security conference last month even as Russia is raising troops to invade Ukraine, will return to Europe on Wednesday amid a full-blown offensive that has hit the Soviet Union in the east. The countries in the bloc were terrified.
Finland’s president, Saulie Niinisto, who is not a member of NATO, was among those who made a way for Washington last week, on what the White House said was aimed at “strengthening bilateral ties and was to ensure strong defense and deterrence in northern Europe.”
The White House said Biden also spoke to Polish President Andrzej Duda, “to discuss our countries’ response, in close coordination with our allies and partners, to Russia’s unprovoked and unwarranted invasion of Ukraine, including There are ongoing attempts to impose dire consequences on Russia.”
Amid a flurry of consultations, the US and NATO have left it to Ukraine to do the battle against Russia, rejecting Kyiv’s request to enforce a no-fly zone, which they fear will directly engage Russia. Will come under fire with you.
Massive weapons packages, including Stinger and Javelin missiles and anti-tank rocket systems and grenade launchers, are being shipped to Ukraine by America’s NATO allies, while concerns in Washington are growing if Russia will be able to topple Ukraine. If successful, what can happen to these weapons? near term.
Ukraine’s long-term consequences will be an Afghanistan-like quagmire for Russia where America will win – at great cost to the American taxpayer and to the people of Russia, Ukraine and possibly Europe.
Amid heated debate in US policy circles over the outcome, Harris’s troubleshooting trip to Europe next week is inviting derisive comments from extreme right-wingers trying to cover up long years of hasty cohabitation. Putinis Russia.
“Kamala Harris has not succeeded in any of the tasks that have been assigned to her. Why are we sending her back to Europe next week?” asked Andy Biggs, a Republican lawmaker from Arizona. “Please for the love of God send a serious man,” tweeted Meghan McCainA TV commentator and daughter of the late Senator John McCain.
Harris’ office said, “The Vice President’s visit will demonstrate the strength and unity of the NATO coalition and demonstrate US support for allies on the eastern side of NATO in the face of Russian aggression. It will complement our collective efforts to support the people of Ukraine.” Will reveal too.” in a statement.
In conversation with the leaders of Poland and Romania, Harris will discuss “our continued support for the people of Ukraine through security, economic and humanitarian assistance, and our determination to impose dire economic consequences on Russia and those involved in the Russian invasion.” ,” the statement said. ,