Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day: How to Pay Tribute to the Admin Who Makes Life Easier

30 July is observed as System Administrator Appreciation Day this year. Every year, the last Friday of July is designated to observe the event globally. Also known as SysAdmin Day, this day was started to pay tribute to the service provided by IT professionals. A systems administrator named Ted Kekatos conceived this Systems Administrator Appreciation Day to acknowledge the contribution of sysadmins all over the world to the IT industry.

They ensure that the workflow in an organization is not interrupted by securing networks, retrieving data, maintaining jam-free printers and having proper, working computers. In short, sysadmins facilitate smooth running of work in firms by preventing IT disasters; For which we are forever grateful to him. After all, they are contributing to continuity in the business.

Why not express our gratitude in a way that makes these brave men, women feel good, appreciate!

This System Administrator Appreciation Day, let’s find out how we can pay tribute to the admin who made our lives easier:

Gift Ideas:

I. Chair- With work from home trend, sitting in front of laptop for long hours takes a toll on our spine. You can give the administrator a comfortable chair. This gesture would be a great way to appreciate their dedication.

Second Technical Gift:

a. Considering that admins spend all their time on gadgets, keyboards, what about gifting them a nice, advanced keyboard with great touch.

NS. Drones- There are a lot of gaming drones that can be bought online. The techie would definitely love such a gift.

C. A T-shirt with the Cool Tech logo would also be a great gift to consider.

iii. Card:

There’s nothing like a personal, heartfelt note card expressing your gratitude and warmth for their assistance.

iv. Chocolate:

Send a box of assorted chocolates this SysAdminDay as a token of appreciation and put a smile on the faces of the admins.

v. Bouquets:

Flowers never go out of fashion when it comes to communicating human emotions. Choose a nice bouquet for your administrator and send it to honor her contribution.

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