Happy Birthday Robert De Niro: 5 award-winning movies of the actor

Known for portraying hardened criminals and vicious characters, Robert De Niro is widely regarded as one of the greatest actors of American cinema. He has acted in over 100 films and received many prestigious awards and nominations, working with renowned filmmakers such as Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Brian De Palma and Sergio Leone. As the Hollywood icon turns 78 this year, we take a look back at five award-winning films starring him.

Mean Streets (1973)

Mean Streets was the beginning of De Niro’s collaboration with Martin Scorsese. He portrays a reckless man who indulges in petty crimes and gives money to criminals, causing problems for him and others. De Niro won a few acting awards for his performance.

The Godfather: Part II (1974)

De Niro plays a young Vito Corleone in this sequel to The Godfather (1972). Filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola’s critically acclaimed crime drama traces Vito’s rise from a grocery store worker to the most feared mafia lord in America. De Niro won an Academy Award for his performance. The film won a total of six Oscars.

Taxi Driver (1976)

De Niro starred alongside Scorsese as Travis Bickle, a Vietnam War veteran who drives a taxi in New York at night and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. Isolation, personal failures and corruption in New York lead to violent thoughts in Travis. He becomes a vigilante to rescue a child prostitute named Iris (Jodie Foster), from whom he murders. The film won the Palme d’Or at Cannes.

Raging Bull (1980)

Scorsese and De Niro collaborated again in this biographical film about American boxer Jake LaMotta and won his second Oscar and Golden Globe. LaMotta is successful in the boxing ring, but his excessive anger, anger, jealousy and destructive attitude shatter his personal life.

Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

In this David O’Russell film, De Niro plays Patrizio Solitano Sr., the father of Bradley Cooper’s main character, who suffers from bipolar disorder. He plans to open a restaurant and bet on American football games. De Niro was praised for his performance and received an Oscar nomination.

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