The actor is recently making headlines for his next film with Alia Bhatt, helmed by Karan Johar. Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and more in ‘Rocky Aur Rani’ Shabana Azmi in important roles. Sharing the post, he wrote, “A special announcement on my special day! presenting – Rocky Aur Rani With the love story of my dazzling supernova Alia Bhatt, directed by Shelly herself, kaleidoscope visionary Karan Johar, and written by Ishita Moitra, Shashank Khaitan and Sumit Roy. Coming to charm you in 2022! #RockyAurRaniKiPremKahani #RRKPK”.
Katrina Kaif shared a picture of the actor from a photoshoot. He wrote, ‘Happy happy’ Birthday @ranveersingh May you always have your incredible energy and your gift to make everyone around you feel special.
his co-stars Anushka Sharma Wrote, ‘Happy Birthday Ranveer! May you keep spreading happiness and good vibes! Have a wonderful year”.
Kriti Sanon shared a major throwback picture from the sets of mm. He wrote, ‘Dear Ranveer Singh,
You are Mimi’s favorite! ЁЯШНЁЯШН
and mine too
wish you a very happy birthday!! @Ranveer singh
mm and m. from
See his post here:
Raj Kundra
Anushka Sharma
Ananya Panday
Vicky Kaushal