Hamas denounces UNRWA for ‘bowing’ to US pressure to renew funding

Hamas condemned the decision on Saturday United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) To renew a framework agreement with the US for the year 2023-2024.

Hamas called on UNRWA to immediately withdraw the agreement and “provide all political and legal assistance to Palestinian refugees”.

The framework for cooperation was signed last week during a virtual signing ceremony. It reaffirms the US commitment to support UNRWA, its mandate and the rights of Palestinian refugees, and establishes shared goals and priorities.

The agreement sets out the understanding between UNRWA and the US. This includes a number of specific commitments to advance UNRWA’s ability to provide effective and efficient assistance to Palestinian refugees through strong accountability, transparency and sustainability, consistent with UN principles including neutrality.

In accordance with the agreement, the United States and UNRWA share concerns about the threat of terrorism, including in the context of the United Nations’ steadfast commitment to combating terrorism. It stipulates that “no contributions shall be made by the United States to UNRWA except on the condition that [UNRWA] Take all possible measures to ensure that no portion of the U.S. contribution is used to provide assistance to any refugee who is receiving military training … or who is involved in any act of terrorism. “

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini speaks during an interview in Amman last November. He will be a featured speaker at an event commemorating the Naqba next week (Credits: Alaa Al Sukhni / Reuters)

On Friday, the US announced a contribution of $153.7 million in support of UNRWA. humanitarian aid, human developmentand the protection of Palestinian refugees,” according to a statement from UNRWA.

UNRWA Commissioner-General Filipe Lazzarani said the contribution would help the agency keep more than 700 schools and 140 health centers open over the next months. “For us, it is a sign of trust and a quality of good charity that we encourage other partners to follow,” Lazzarini said.

In 2018, the administration of former US President Donald Trump cut off all funding for UNRWA, describing the agency as “incredibly flawed”. The Palestinian Authority condemned the decision as an “attack” against the Palestinian people.

Hamas unhappy with US support for UNRWA

In response to the renewal of the US-UNRWA deal, Hamas said the agreement “once again shows the agency’s acquiescence to US pressure under the pretext of the financial crisis.”

Hamas said in a statement that UNRWA, through the mandate given to it, “is not neutral, but has a duty to provide a decent life for Palestinian refugees and support them in achieving their political and civil rights”. , the most important of which is the right of return and self-determination.

Hamas warned that “the most dangerous thing in this agreement is that the purported neutrality extends beyond the agency to affect refugees who are struggling to obtain their legitimate rights within the framework of international law.”

Hamas claimed that the financial crisis at UNRWA is “artificial” with the aim of weakening the agency.

The Gaza-based terror group said UNRWA’s management should seek a solution to the financial crisis “away from any agreement that contradicts its mandate, especially with the US administration which is completely in favor of the Zionist enemy and unconditionally biased.