Gyanvapi Masjid’s caretaker claims: Shivling does not have holes; The fountain that I got, the water comes from the well

Varanasi12 hours agoAuthor: Devanshu Tiwari

‘Shringar Gauri Mandir, away from the mosque, is outside the barricading. If women want to have darshan even today, they can. We don’t mind.’ This is to say of MS Yasin, Joint Secretary, Anjuman Intrazia Masajid Committee.

In the year 1922, Anjuman Inazaniya Masajid Committee was formed to oversee the Gyanvapi Masjid. Since 1989, Yasin has been looking after the development and maintenance of the mosque. Yasin says that before independence in 1937, when the court had accepted that Gyanvapi was the property of the Waqf Board, then it is not right to dispute about it.

Yasin is now waiting for the 19th verdict. He says that if the decision does not come in his favor, then he will take the matter to the Supreme Court. He has talked to us on the history of Shivling and Gyanvapi found in the survey. Let’s go through them one by one…

What I got was a fountain and is a fountain: Yasin
Yasin said, “Whether you go to the Red Fort in Delhi or the Taj Mahal. Hauz is specially made for Wuzu in mosques. Usually the water filled in the cistern used to get hot. That is why the tradition of making a fountain started in it, so that the water of the tank would remain cool. The fountain found in the Gyanvapi complex was built for that reason.”

After getting the Shivling in the survey, this thing was shown in the viral video.  The Hindu side is calling it Shivling.  Respondents are calling it a fountain.

After getting the Shivling in the survey, this thing was shown in the viral video. The Hindu side is calling it Shivling. Respondents are calling it a fountain.

He said, “Even during the survey, when the team inserted a needle into the hole of that fountain, it went inside 64 cm. You tell whether there can be a hole in the Shivling. What was found was a fountain and is a fountain.”

Flowers and bells on the back wall symbolize Akbar’s ‘Din-e-Ilahi’
Yasin said, “There is talk about the wall behind the mosque that it has temple-like carvings in it. Let me tell you that the relics on the wall behind the mosque were built by Akbar around the year 1585 under the new religion ‘Din-e-Ilahi’. It was then considered a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity. After this Aurangzeb got this mosque renovated. The mosque was built by the Sultans of Jaunpur in the 14th century.

MS Yasin says that the Hindu symbols on the Gyanvapi Mosque were built by Akbar under the religion 'Din-e-Ilahi'.  It was a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity.  This wall is at the back of Gyanvapi.

MS Yasin says that the Hindu symbols on the Gyanvapi Mosque were built by Akbar under the religion ‘Din-e-Ilahi’. It was a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity. This wall is at the back of Gyanvapi.

Cleaned the well 2 years ago, nothing came out
Yasin said, “The well of knowledge is not very deep but a simple well. Its depth is 30 to 40 feet. I also got it cleaned 2 years ago, nothing came out except garbage. Even today our jet pump is fitted under the well. Now this well is part of the corridor, in the temple complex. Earlier, water used to come from this well in our Vaju Wali Hauz, the fountain of which is being told as Shivling.

High Court also accepted Gyanvapi is a mosque, not a temple
Yasin said, “The place of worship law of 1991. He says that the position of temples and mosques on August 15, 1947, will remain the same. No one can even shake them. The judgment was delivered in 1937 on a lawsuit filed on the mosque in the year 1936. In this, the court had held that Gyanvapi is a mosque from bottom to top and it is a Waqf property. Later this decision was also upheld by the High Court.

In 1937, the court considered the Gyanvapi complex from bottom to top as the property of the Waqf Board.  This copy is of the same decision which Yasin is showing.

In 1937, the court considered the Gyanvapi complex from bottom to top as the property of the Waqf Board. This copy is of the same decision which Yasin is showing.

“There are two graves just west of the mosque where the annual Urs was held. In the year 1937, in the decision of the court, permission was also given to perform the Urs. These graves are still at the same place but now Urs does not take place there. Namaz is being offered in this mosque not from 1947 but since it was built.

We have no problem with the legal process, will continue to fight for the mosque
Yasin said, “This is a legal process, it will continue. We have no problem with this. We will also get a copy of the report. We will object. If our objection is rejected, then we will take the matter further. This fight will go on.

The stuff in the mosque is from here. Has not come from Afghanistan or Mongolia. Even today, Ram is written on the bricks of the houses that are built, and somewhere a swastika is seen. Now if that kind of material comes out in any building, will it become a temple? Therefore, according to my understanding, the talk of getting idols or Shivling in the mosque is just propaganda and nothing else. I just want that the life of the people in my city should be normal. May everyone be happy.”

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