Gyanvapi Masjid: Muslim side argument to continue hearing in Varanasi court today

hearing of gyanvapi case
Image Source: PTI

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  • The arguments of the Muslim side could not be completed earlier
  • The district judge had earlier said that the matter would be heard on the directions of the Supreme Court.
  • The Hindu side has claimed that a Shivling was found inside the mosque premises.

Gyanvapi mosque: Gyanvapi Masjid case will be heard again in Varanasi court on Monday. According to advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain, appearing for Hindus, “Muslim side will continue with its arguments. According to them, the matter is not maintainable, but we have said that it is tenable… Our demand is that worship should be done there. Legal. absolutely valid.”

According to a lawyer representing the petitioner women, on May 30, the Varanasi District Court had postponed the hearing of the Anjuman Intejamiya Masjid Committee’s petition challenging a suit filed by Hindu women to July 4.

The counsel appearing for the Anjuman Intejamiya Masjid had cited various judgments to support his argument that the sustainability of a suit filed by Hindu women is barred by the Places of Worship Act.

The arguments of the Muslim side to reject the civil suit claims on the Gyanvapi Masjid could not be met and it will continue to this day.

Earlier, while fixing the hearing of the Gyanvapi-Sringar Gauri Complex case, the court of the District Judge said that the matter would be heard as per the directions of the Supreme Court.

The Hindu side has claimed that a Shivling (representation of Lord Shiva) was discovered inside the mosque complex and the Muslim side claimed that the structure was part of the fountain in the mosque’s Wuzu Khana area.

Meanwhile, a civil court in Varanasi today asked the Muslim side to file a reply on another civil suit seeking the right to worship in the mosque premises.

Civil Judge Senior Division (Fast Track Court) Mahendra Kumar Pandey, who was hearing the matter, listed the matter for July 8.

The suit was filed by Bhagwan Adi Vishweshwar Virajman through his next friend Kiran Singh, who had said that the hearing of the main case would take a long time and Hindu worshipers should be allowed non-stop entry into the mosque premises in the meantime. ,

(with inputs from ANI)

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