Gulab Cyclone turns into Deep Depression: Heavy rains lashed Odisha and Andhra Pradesh districts, water entered houses in Visakhapatnam; Alert in MP-Chhattisgarh too

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  • Cyclone Rose Status Updates; Andhra Pradesh Odisha Visakhapatnam | Alert in Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh

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Cyclonic storm Gulab hit the coast of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha on Sunday evening. Its effect can now be seen in Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh also. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a yellow alert for rain in southern Chhattisgarh, Marathwada, Vidarbha, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, southern Odisha, western Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. Due to the effect of cyclone in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, heavy rains and houses were flooded.

It may also rain in the southern and central districts of Jharkhand. Its effect can be seen in Chhattisgarh 90 km southeast of Jagdalpur. The cyclonic storm ‘Gulaab’ over North Andhra Pradesh and adjoining South Odisha intensified into a Deep Depression at 2:30 pm over North Andhra Pradesh. Now it will gradually weaken in the next 12 hours.

Due to the effect of cyclone in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, heavy rains and houses were flooded.

Due to the effect of cyclone in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, heavy rains and houses were flooded.

Where how much rain?
Visakhapatnam-282mm, Kingapatnam-126mm, Kakinada-113mm, Vijayawada-108mm.

2 fishermen were killed
In Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, it started raining with strong winds since Sunday evening. Here a boat collided with a storm along the coast. There were 6 fishermen in it. All of them fell into the sea when the boat hit a strong wave. Of these, 2 died. Three reached the shore safely and one fisherman is still missing. The accident happened on the Mandasa coast.

Many trees were uprooted in Vijayanagar district due to strong winds caused by Cyclone Gulab.

Many trees were uprooted in Vijayanagar district due to strong winds caused by Cyclone Gulab.

What is Deep Depression?
In the warm region of the ocean, the air gets heated by the heat of the season and forms an area of ​​low air pressure. The air warms up and condenses with the moisture above to form clouds. Because of this, the moist air comes down rapidly to fill the empty space. When the wind moves very fast around that area, it rains with thick clouds.

When the wind speed is between 31-50 km/h it is called low depression. Whereas when the speed is between 51-62 km/h, it is called Deep Depression. After this, if the wind speed increases, then the deep depression turns into a storm.

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