Gujarat saw 69 Kovid-19 cases, 1 death, 208 cured. Ahmedabad News – Times of India

Ahmedabad: Gujarat On Tuesday, 69 Covid-19 cases were reported, taking the tally to 8,23,964, while the toll rose by one to 10,072, an official said.
He said 208 people were discharged during the day, taking the number of recoveries to 8,11,699, with 2,193 active cases in the state, of which 11 are in critical condition.
The official said that Ahmedabad reported the lone death while it reported 11 cases, followed by Surat with nine, Rajkot in eight other districts.
So far, 2,73,25,191 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been given in the state, including 2,17,786 as on Tuesday, a release said.
in neighboring Dadra Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, the Covid-19 tally rose to 10,547 with six new cases, while the number of recoveries rose by two to 10,504. The active cases in the Union Territory, which has reported four deaths so far, is 39.
Gujarat’s Covid-19 figures are as follows: positive cases 8,23,964, new cases 69, death toll 10,072, discharged 8,11,699, active cases 2,193, people tested so far – figures not released.


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