Gujarat election: In the name of Modi

Leaving no stone unturned, the Prime Minister himself is leading in his home state and has become a trump card for the BJP. A cover story by India Today magazine on Gujarat assembly elections

Ahmedabad, New Delhi,date of issue: December 5, 2022 , Updates: November 26, 2022 15:37 IST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets people in Jamnagar on October 10

Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets people in Jamnagar on October 10

TeaThey had gathered in large numbers at the election rally venue in Navsari, an hour’s drive from its twin city Surat. All were wearing saffron colored Gandhi caps with ‘BJP’ written on them; Several people were carrying cardboard cutouts of his face, holding them up for all to see. The sight and sound of his helicopter landing in the distance drew frenzied chants from the crowd. “Modi, Modi, Modi,” they shouted, as the chant reached a deafening crescendo as he stepped onto the stage to greet him. It is now almost nine years since Narendra Modi gave up his Chief Ministership to assume the office of the Prime Minister of the country and yet he is greeted with the same respect and affection as he was when he was the head of a state. were on top. Record 12 and a half years. Modi awakens in him that rare quality called Gujarati asmita (Pride in recognition). His party has been unbeatable in state elections since 1995; Since 2002, it has flowed from this confluence of Modi with Gujarat.