Gujarat Boy Clears Class 8th To 12th Within 9 Months, Becomes Youngest Engineer

In India, it is generally expected that individuals complete their education in schools and colleges between the age of 18 and 22. However, there are many stories of some exceptionally talented individuals who finish their studies at a younger age. One of such remarkable example comes from Gujarat, where a young boy named Nirbhay Thakar achieved a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree at the age of just 15. Nirbhay was born in 2002, and he completed his engineering studies in only one year, showcasing his intellectual prowess. Now, he is continuing his education and is diligently working towards realizing his big dreams.

Nirbhay is currently a student at the Gujarat Technological University (GTU). Before obtaining his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree, Nirbhay accomplished his academic milestones at an astonishing pace. He completed classes 8 to 10 in just six months during the academic year 2015-16. Subsequently, he passed the 11th and 12th grades in a mere three months. Nirbhay was only 13 years old when he completed his High School Certificate (HSC). Later, at the age of just 15, he became Gujarat’s youngest engineer by earning an engineering degree from GTU in 2017. He participated in the Joint Entrance Exam (Mains) and scored 75 out of 360. Nirbhay is the son of an engineer father and a doctor mother.

Nirbhay pursued his school education through the ‘International General Certificate of Secondary Education’ (IGCSE), which allows fast learners to complete their school education in a shorter time. In this case, approval was obtained from the Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for vocational programs. Consequently, he gained admission to S.A.L. College of Engineering. Nirbhay’s achievements have garnered widespread acclaim, inspiring many who have come to know about his journey.